Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thesis Statement For Funding Potential - 735 Words
Funding Potential Because of the interesting and innovative research findings with high commercial value and sustainability, my research has strong funding potential. My research has some unique criteria, (1) most of findings are patentable; (2) all products are organic; (3) applying biological process for the first time to reduce greenhouse gases; (3) applying new technologies to use CO2 and other greenhouse gases as a beneficial materials for the first time to produce new products; (4) producing new high nutrient rich organic fertilizers and pesticides, which ultimately protect the environment by eliminating the harmful contamination from water, land and soils. I have been successful at accumulating funding from both internal and†¦show more content†¦Collaboration, Education and Mentorship, and Outreach I believe that research is most rewarding when it involves some level of collaboration and cooperation between multiple parties. Since my research is a global issue, national and inte rnational collaboration is necessary. I have been fortunate to collaborate with over a dozen labs and many institutions to date, including University of Munich (Germany), Oxford University (UK), University of the Ryukyus (Japan) with different departments, Rutgers University (USA) and University of Toronto (Canada) and these collaborations will be continued after joining at the University of Montreal. My preferred approach to collaboration is to co-advise graduate students or postdocs with my collaborators; this allows the student or postdoc to be embedded in the environmental field,while providing them with deep access to our professional expertise. I have already trained and mentored many MS and PhD students during my tenures at the above-mentioned institutes. I am currently mentoring several graduate research projects, which reflects my dedication to training the next generation in resolving the environmental problems. If I get an opportunity to join at the University of Montreal , I would establish a new course on the projects outlined above. Teaching on the problems of globalShow MoreRelatedA Thesis Statement On Neil Armstrong s Moon1091 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction A. Thesis Statement Neil Armstrong s 1969 lunar landing was one of humanity s greatest accomplishments. Since then, we have found that an infinite supply of knowledge and resources await us just outside our atmosphere. Today, however, critics are beginning to argue more and more that the cost of space exploration is too high, and therefore new technological developments should be left to the private sector. Whether funded privately or by the government, funding of space explorationRead MorePersonal Development Is Worth The `` Investment ``814 Words  | 4 Pagestake two to four or more years to complete. Also, when I finished my doctoral program I remember one graduate student entering his eleventh year of studies! (by #SCSEadvisor2). 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