Thursday, September 3, 2020
History of Nazi Germany :: World War II History
History of Nazi Germany National Socialism somewhere in the range of 1920 and 1945 can best be depicted as a time of steady change. Hitler's enlistment in the German Worker's Party gave him the establishment expected to drive his optimistic perspectives on hostile to Semitism and Aryan predominance. Not long after Hitler's enlistment the gathering's name was changed to the National Socialist German Worker's Party and in the mid year of 1921 his gifts as a speaker and disseminator empowered him to assume control over the authority of the Nazi Party. Hitler's underlying after - originated from German hyper-swelling and debasement of the imprint - included jobless laborers and the lower class, his sharp capacity to arrange rallies to hear his discourses were instrumental in raising monies for the Nazi Party. In spite of the fact that most of his devotees shared his aversion of the Weimar Republic's liberal majority rule government and hostile to Semitic plan, his gathering support, because of it's little size, was restricted to the Bavarian locale of German, this would end up being a constraining element when Hitler endeavored to hold onto control of the commonplace Bavarian government during his Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923. Hitler's doomed endeavor of conspiracy demonstrated to work for his potential benefit; in this manner, giving him national status as a loyalist and a legend according to many. Thus, Hitler served 9 months in jail for the Beer Hall Putsch and composed a book named Mein Kampf (My Struggle) laying out his vision for the future Germany. By late 1924 Hitler was discharge on parole, in the wake of serving a bit his multi year sentence, and immediately recovered control of the Nazi Party, taking note of that any future seizure must drop by legitimate measures through Parliamentary races. Confronted with a brief improvement of the German economy by the Weimar Republic's capacity to make sure about credits and speculations (for the most part from America), Hitler had to hold up until monetary conditions intensified to move his Nazi plan. In 1929 Hitler at long last got his opportunity, the American financial exchange crash of 1929 influenced about each country on the planet and German success before long reached a conclusion because of the Great Depression, huge joblessness and yearning that followed. President Hindenburg's Weimar Republic before long ended up committed to reimburse obligations owed to nations that once gave help during times of success. Malcontented German individuals needed change and Bruening (Chancellor) accepted that a steady parliament greater part for his gathering could convey the change required, so new races were held.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
vasco de gama essays
vasco de gama articles All through time Religion has been a huge part everything being equal. Religion has been the inspiration for some extraordinary things, and for some more not very good things. Religions spread and acquired new adherents and others changed over starting with one religion then onto the next. For most religions, getting the message out of God is embraced by preachers. This likewise goes for Christianity. The job of the Christian minister was to get the message out of God to all. The inspiration of getting the message out of God was a huge piece of western investigation. Notwithstanding getting the message out of God, the aggregation of riches and subsequently influence were additionally extraordinary factors in persuading individuals to investigate the western world. Portugal stepped up to the plate of western investigation after they effectively removed the Muslims from the nation of Portugal. The force made by such a fruitful ejection of pariahs and the strict enthusiasm of missionarys supported the leaders of Portugal to look for victories in Africa. The Portugese rulers were attracted to the chance of making hurt the Muslim world and a want wealth(Stearns 34). In 1498, Vasco Da Gama, a sailor from Portugese, left Portugal and set sail for Calicut, India. He was inquired as to why he did as such and answered Christians and flavors. The mass transformation of individuals to the religion of Roman Catholicism and the collection of flavors, fine materials, and other Asian merchandise were what drove him to Calicut, India. Vasco Da Gamas want for Christians and flavors was run of the mill for most pilgrims of the time. Either individuals went to change over the majority or to discover wealth or even both(Stearns 150). Not all nations were keen on the spreading of Roman Catholicism as different nations were. The English and Protestant Dutch had little enthusiasm for picking up changes over to Christianity. However the spread of Roman Catholicism was a basic piece of the overall activity of the Portu... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
GETTING THE BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BOOK-TOUR BUCK My short-story assortment, QUIET AMERICANS, was distributed A portion of this has relied upon the help of liberal loved ones in my goal areas. For example, I’ve been fortunate that these benevolent associations react to my guarantees of everlasting appreciation on the off chance that they have book gatherings for me. (Up until now, my book and I have been the visitors of respect in three urban communities.) Be that as it may, I’ve accomplished more than drop enthusiastic insights to individuals inclined to react well to them. Consider my excursion to Washington for a writers’ meeting. I didn’t stop with the two boards and one book-marking that were planned for the meeting site. One of the tales in my book is roused All the more as of late, after my application to take an interest in the Virginia Festival of the Book was acknowledged, and I adapted precisely where and when my celebration board would take place,I attempted to consider inventively ways I may meet still more perusers in Charlottesville, a spot where I didnt know a spirit. An article in THE WRITER magazine acquainted me with WriterHouse, Charlottesville’s flourishing composing place. A couple of messages and one telephone discussion later, I had an agreement to show an outsourcing course there during my remain. At that point, since my book highlights Jewish subjects and characters even past the story roused Obviously, quite a bit of this achievement relies upon the altruism of others. Yet, without considering openings that may group in every area, and without doing some underlying exploration and effort, none of it can occur. I’ve done it. You can, as well. Assets (essentially U.S.- based) Composing Conferences Centers: Scholarly Festivals: Historical center Associations
Hydraulics and Hydrology Lec Free Essays
string(26) with a frameworks approach. 48362 †HYDRAULICS and HYDROLOGY James E Ball †Hydrology Component SUBJECT DETAILS 1 CONTACTS ? Assoc Prof James Ball ? ? ? james. ball@uts. edu. We will compose a custom paper test on Water power and Hydrology Lec or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now au ph †9514 2623 Office Hours ? ? Monday 2:00 †4:00pm Contact by email for arrangement SUBJECT CONCEPT The goal of this segment of the subject is: ? Present building hydrology; ? Present hydrological forms; ? Present flood estimation; and ? Present building hydrology applications in water assets the executives. 2 SUBJECT CONCEPT This presentation is focused on: ? Giving a capacity to apply ordinarily utilized techniques in hydrology; and ? Give a comprehension of the hypothesis behind these strategies. REFERENCES Three references that might be valuable are ? Applied Hydrology †Chow, Maidment Mays, McGraw-Hill Book Co. ? Hydrology An Australian Introduction †Ladson, Oxford University Press ? Australian Rainfall Runoff †A Guide to Flood Estimation †Engineers Australia No distributed Course Notes are accessible for this subject. 3 SUBJECT DOCUMENTS UTS-Online will be utilized for dispersion of ? Duplicates of talk slides; ? Understanding material; and ? Instructional exercise issues. Understudies should take note of that extra reference books might be noted in the talk slides. Talk STRUCTURE Each Hydrology address period will involve: ? 2 hour address; and ? 1 hour instructional exercise. It is normal that understudies will have gotten to the talk slides, understanding material and instructional exercises preceding the talk time frame. 4 SUBJECT TIMETABLE Date Topic 27 February Hydrology and Water Resources 5 March Meteorology 12 March Hydrologic Data 19 March Surface Water 27 March Storm Runoff 2 April Hydrologic Design 9 April Design Rainfall 1 May Peak Flow Estimation 7 May Hydrograph Estimation †Part 1 13 May Hydrograph Estimation †Part 2 14 May Environmental Flows 21 May Water Sensitive Urban Design 4 June Course Review HYDROLOGIC CYCLE Lecture 1 5 CONTENT ? Prologue to Hydrology ? Advancement of Hydrology ? Hydrologic Cycle ? Australian Hydrology INTRODUCTION 6 DEFINITION OF HYDROLOGY Greek word: Hydor = water ology = investigation of Hydraulics originates from Greek word hydraulikos which thusly originates from hydor (Greek for water) and aulos (which means pipe). Meaning OF HYDROLOGY UNESCO (1979)1 characterizes hydrology as â€Å"the physical science which treats the waters of the Earth, their Occurrence, Circulation and Distribution, their Chemical and Physical Properties, and their Reaction with the Environment†. UNESCO, (1979), Impact of urbanization and industrialisation on water assets arranging and the executives, Studies and Reports in Hydrology, UNESCO, UNESCO, Paris. 7 Water is fundamental for upkeep of life. Early civilisations were focused on streams ? ? foundation of settlements close to streams comparable to searching for indications of water on Mars Management of water is multi-disciplinary; numerous callings are included. WATER Variety of issues experienced incorporate ? Flood alleviation ? Sterile sewer frameworks ? Land seepage ? Water Supply ? Duct and scaffold structure ? Ecological Flows ? Disintegration ? Mine tailings ? Dry spell ? Adjustment to environmental change ? Water system frameworks ? Hydro-electric and force age ? Stormwater frameworks 8 RURAL FLOODING URBAN FLOODS 9 STORMWATER STRUCTURES STORMWATER DRAINS 10 WATER SUPPLY HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER 11 IRRIGATION SCHEMES DROUGHT 12 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY Ancient civilisations were incorporated with their waterway valleys. Models are ? ? ? ? ? Egyptian Civilisations and the Nile Valley Mesopotamian Civilisations and the TigrisEuphrates Indian Civilisations and the Indus Valley Ancient China and the Yellow River Andean Civilisations and Coastal Peru DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY A large number of structures from early civilisations are still in activity. Enormous scope water system and seepage works were related with these civilisations. Most punctual recorded dam is about 2900BC (the Sadd Al-Kafara at Wadi Al-Garawi, 25km south of Cairo) Used for both flood insurance and water system. Likewise site of most punctual known dam disappointment. 13 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY Oldest enduring dam on the planet is the Grand Anicut Dam on the Kaveri River in Southern India. This structue goes back to second Century AD. Advancement OF HYDROLOGY Water gracefully to Ancient Rome has been evaluated as being approx 500L/c/d. Ebb and flow water flexibly prerequisites are ? ? ? Australian urban communities, plan †approx. 430L/c/d Australian urban communities, genuine †approx. 230L/c/d US urban areas, plan †approx 600L/c/d Drainage structures, (for example, the Cloaca Maxima) from Ancient Rome are as yet being utilized today. 14 ANCIENT ROMANS Cloaca maxima Bath, UK AQUEDUCTS Pont du Gard, France c19 BC Hampi, India first century AD 15 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY Flood assurance has been drilled for a large number of years along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. It stays an issue of worry in these zones to the present day. Improvement OF HYDROLOGY Water has been of enthusiasm for a long time. Antiquated Greek and Roman logicians guessed on a hydrologic cycle †Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Lucretius, Seneca, Pliny. This cycle was created from their perceptions of water in their condition. Utilization of perceptions stays a crucial part of flow hydrologic applications and research. 16 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY Chinese recorded perceptions of downpour ? ? ? A yang prophet bones as ahead of schedule as 1200BC; Used downpour checks around 1000BC; and Established precise records about 200BC. Indian records go back to 400BC. Advancement OF HYDROLOGY Scientific improvement of hydrology happened uring the Renaissance time frame. Models are ? ? ? Leonardo da Vinci †speed conveyances in streams. Bernard Palissy †springs started from precipitation. Pierre Perrault †spillover is a small amount of precipitation. 17 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY Other commitments during this period were made by ? ? ? ? ? Galileo Newton Bernoulli Euler Lagrange DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY Significa nt logical advancement happened in the nineteenth Century when ? ? ? ? ? Dalton proposed the rule of vanishing. Hagen-Poiseuille depicted slim stream. Mulvaney built up the Rational technique. Darcy portrayed numerically permeable media low. Rippl created strategies for deciding stockpiling prerequisites. 18 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROLOGY twentieth Century saw quick improvement of quantitative hydrology. Greatest impact during this period was the improvement of the advanced PC and the improvement of catchment displaying frameworks. Constraint presently is information accessibility instead of computation limit. HYDROLOGIC CYCLE 19 HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE One of the central patterns of nature. Reason for the study of hydrology. Significant focuses ? ? ? ? Cycle has no beginning and no closure. Cycle is consistent. Stream of water in the cycle isn't consistent. Water moves sporadically through the cycle. HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE 20 HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE 21 HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE General segments of the cycle are ? Environmental Water ? Surface Water ? Ground Water In investigation of water asset issues, these parts are treated with a frameworks approach. You read Hydrodynamics and Hydrology Lec in classification Papers 22 SYSTEMS CONCEPT A frameworks idea is applied while considering the hydrological cycle or some part thereof. This is reliable with the reductionist idea utilized in many building issues. Frameworks CONCEPT The reductionist way of thinking depends on lessening the framework to various littler omponents. The reaction of the framework at that point is resolved from summation of the reactions of the individual parts. 23 SYSTEMS CONCEPT WATER BALANCE 24 WATER BALANCE Amount of water doesn't change. Where it might be found changes. Water possibly found in the oceans and seas, in the environment, by all ac counts, beneath the surface, and in natural frameworks. WATER BALANCE ITEM Oceans Polar Ice Groundwater Lakes Soil Moisture Atmospheric Water Rivers Biological ?Water VOLUME (km3) % TOTAL WATER 1. 338 x 109 96. 5 24. 0 x 106 1. 7 23. 4 x 106 1. 69 187. 9 x 103 0. 0138 16. 5 x 103 0. 0012 12. 9 x 103 . 001 2. 1 x 103 0. 0002 1. 1 x 103 0. 0001 1. 386 x 109 100. 0 UNESCO, 1978 †ref 11, ladson ch1 25 WATER BALANCE Not all water is freshwater. Just approx 2. 5% of the water is new water †water in the seas and some lake water and ground water is saline. Thinking about just new water, the qualities in the past table are adjusted to WATER BALANCE UNESCO, 1978 ITEM VOLUME (km3) % TOTAL WATER Polar Ice 24. 0 x 106 68. 6 Groundwater 23. 4 x 106 30. 1 103 0. 26 Soil Moisture 16. 5 x 103 0. 05 Atmospheric Water 103 0. 04 Rivers 2. 1 x 103 0. 006 Biological Water 1. 1 x 103 0. 003 Fresh Water 35. 0 x 106 00. 0 Lakes 187. 9 x 12. 9 x 26 WATER BALANCE Basis of any volume based issue is a water balance. This is a use of the idea of coherence. When all is said in done, utilization of progression gives in volume terms Inflow †Outflow = Change in Storage (? S) And in motion terms Qi †Qo = ? S/? t WATER BALANCE Components of inflow for a water body, for example, a lake or supply are ? Precipitation (P) ? Inflow from waterways or groundwater (I) 27 WATER BALANCE Components of surge for a water body, for example, a lake or supply are ? Evapo-transpiration (ET); ? Outpourings †Extractions, Downstream streams, (O); and ? Drainage (G) WATER BALANCE Hence the water balance for a water body is P + I †O †ET †G = ? S 28 WATER FLOWS While the volume of water in a source is significant, the motion of water through a part is significant too. A sign of the motion can be acquired from the chart of the hydrological cycle. WATER FLOWS The Global Annual Water Balance is appeared on in units comparative with the yearly volume
Friday, August 21, 2020
Prisoners Abuse in Guantanamo Bay Essay
Research demonstrates that the detainees at the Guantanamo sound are normally exposed to torment by the jail chairmen and monitors at the inlet. This torment is accounted for to come up because of the torment strategy in the United States has prompted numerous detainees at the Guantanamo Bay being dealt with seriously by the jail executives and gatekeepers, who consistently term them as creatures, since they have nobody in the administrative to speak to them during their preliminaries as they need more information on the legal frameworks of their nation. In the situations where the guilty parties are ladies who are in jail, they happen to experience a harder physical and sexual maltreatment than if the wrongdoers are supposed to be men. The ladies regularly experience the ill effects of psychological instability because of the repetitive physical or sexual maltreatment. Aside from the above issue the ladies additionally experience the ill effects of dietary issues coming about to medical issues. Conversation An extraordinary number of prisoners have been recorded to have been tormented enthusiastically by the US powers at the Guantanamo Bay while others are imprisoned with no explanation this detainees are seen as abused in a way that can not be kept away from this torment typically incorporate; sexual embarrassment, dangers put on the prisoners with hounds these among others are documented as a method of cross examination in the US a case of this is for the situation where the military gatekeepers at the Bay were accounted for to have tormented the Iraqi prisoners whereby, we find that the detainees were tormented as from being undermined with hounds, being striped exposed and furthermore they had to wear female underwear on their heads, it was accepted that this procedures were approved by the senior states authorities. (Bill 2004) We additionally find that, President Bush’s organization has supported for the utilization of electric stun gadgets to torment the detainees at Guantanamo Bay this is all around clarified in a circumstance where we find that the state has been sending out gadgets, for example, the daze catches, immobilizers among others being sent out to different nations, for example, Cuba, Haiti, India, Turkey and Lebanon. For this situation we locate that numerous organizations managing the creation of such weapons have been delivering these items without a permit from the legislature. Through this, there has been an expansion in the instances of tormenting detainees in different nations separated from the United States of America. An instance of Zahide Durgun who was tormented by the Turkish police in Hakkari where she was tormented with electric stuns to her ear and was later beaten this occurred because of the police needing her to acknowledge that she was an individual from the ideologi cal group restricting the legislature of Turkey. This is top notch for the situation discharged by the FBI report asserting that he had requested the State to have an unfeeling cross examination framework against the Iraqis’ prisoners; these techniques incorporated the lack of sleep, stress positions and the utilization of military canines it is thusly propounded that the Defense division had embraced frameworks which were unlawful and shameless in this examples we find that the CIA had ordinarily would not negate the presence of many record of torment in America since it had been affirmed to be engaged with the tormenting of particularly the detainees in Iraq and in numerous other CIA offices for confinement universally. The government has been participating in tormenting its prisoners in a way that incites their nation of inventiveness the best model for this is where cross examination was being directed by an authority in the division of protection where the detainee was enclosed by an Israel banner whereby the prisoner w as later shelled with noisy music and strobe light. (Johnston, 2006) In the year 2002, the White House was restricted by the Collin Powell who was then the Secretary of the State who had advised about the United States penetrating the Geneva Convention yet the government proceeded asserting that, the nations prisoners were not ensured by the Geneva Conventions since a portion of the prisoners were those from Afghanistan who were named as unlawful adversaries, this in this manner pulled in the consideration of most legal counselors in the nation who thought of lawful rules for the unlawful demonstration, this activity made the military legal counselors educated that the breaking of the Geneva show will prompt the presentation of the states troopers who were caught to a similar torment, after which postulations military attorneys stepped forward to see the global human rights legal advisor Scott Horton requesting that the legal counselor give them a specified exertion in the formation of a situation that has lawful equivocalness and furthermore one that shows how the Geneva Conventions was to apply to prisoners in the Bay. (Scranton and Paula 1991) The Effects of the Torture Policy on the Prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay The fundamental approach suggestion that makes the crooks to be hard centers is consistently the period of time that the hoodlums spend in the correctional facilities. At the point when they are discharged for instance and coordinated to go to recovery programs they feel to be squandered in light of the fact that they imagine that by serving in prison for a significant stretch they are segregated in the general public and others may engage in vindicating exercises which may cause them more threat of being rebuffed. Under longer jail sentences at the Guantanamo Bay the guilty party has nothing that will promise him security against the offense he submits which in some cases winds up squandering for his entire life in prison. Because of the constrained enlightening, instructive sources in the jails, the guilty party thinks that its difficult to acknowledge change in his method of life and the conduct that he is dependent in him/her. This implies there are no revision estimates which makes the individual to become crushed mentally accordingly feeling uncomfortable and may try to live where he have to assist himself with getting away from such a sentiment of dejection and absence of social help through which he may choose to follow through on any cost and penance confidence in this manner relinquishing his life. (Eysenck and Hans, 1996) Now and again the guilty parties at the jail who are under isolation, are accounted for to be experiencing interruption of a typical mental capacity that is regularly brought about by dangers, absence of rest, starvation and dread of death. In spite of the fact that the imprisonment structure was intended to urge an individual to go up against his own awareness, it has just prompted the wrongdoers at the Bay being focused on the grounds that they are under prison conditions that are constantly brutal and not compelling. The conditions in penitentiaries are not regularly favorable for a guilty party, for example, the frigidity of the cells, the food given to the detainees is in every case awful and absence of human goodness in addition to clamor typically makes opposition the detainees for restoration programs. Suggestions As a proposal for the decrease of the prisoners’ torment at the inlet we find that the US government is encouraged to concoct laws that empower the treatment of crooks without unforgiving contingency. In spite of the fact that, the wrongdoers are qualified for specific sacred laws, they have different rights in their lives including; the option to be attempted by the jury, to be questioned and the privilege to a prompt preliminary. Since the general public has built up a developing worry over the criminal conduct which is ever expanding, the equity framework is encouraged to give a reprobate preventive measure that will be planned for keeping the individuals from the general public from enjoying crimes. Because of developing worries over the expanded number of lawbreakers, nations have planned laws that guarantee that the hoodlums particularly those confined at the Guantanamo straight associated with criminal cases are reestablished back to being acceptable individuals in the general public and they have recognized restoration strategies or program as the most ideal approach to nature them as opposed to putting them under torment like what's going on the Guantanamo inlet. Restoration is broadly accepted by numerous individuals to be the chief explanation of diminishing wrongdoing. (Board of trustees on Law and Justice, 2004) Rehabilitation regularly includes the instructing and preparing the people who are dependent on a specific conduct to stop the flawed conduct and attempt to become worthy individuals from the general public. In this way under this, the general public is given the obligation of helping these addicts or crooks by helping them to get trust through different projects that they will be instructed along these lines helping them to mend their bodies and brain. The qualities related with restoration arrangements are that the junkie will accomplish through these Programs instruction which permits the guilty party a chance to return into the general public as a capable and beneficial resident. For instance, the individuals who experience recovery programs are ordinarily permitted to get directing and direction. For instance a recovery program may include the guilty parties at the Guantanamo narrows in accomplishing network work, for example, cleaning nature and exercises that they think suits to the establishment of their inclinations. This will cause them to acknowledge what their identity is and acknowledge their essence and jobs in the specific culture. (Kleinman, 2000) The quality for restoring lawbreakers is that there is constantly an aggregate management that will have the option to give a domain positive enough to meet the extraordinary needs of the guilty parties which will assist them with joining the general public recently as dependable and regarded people. Notwithstanding, restoration is inclined to certain shortcomings which block the way toward attempting to assist the guilty parties with being acceptable and dependable individuals in the general public. For instance, the hoodlums or guilty parties exposed to recovery programs at the Guantanamo sound feel separated in the general public and along these lines won't corporate during the whole procedure. They see themselves as dismissed individuals in the general public who are dealt with vindictively. These perspectives cause them to feel disgraceful in the general public and thus after the recovery programs they don’t change yet rather proceed with awful conduct that they utilized
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
I Have Feelings About Henry James
I Have Feelings About Henry James In a little over a week, well mark 99 years since Henry James died. And Id like to say a few words. Oh, Henry James, I have such complicated FEELINGS about you. Im trying to remember which of your novels was my firsthmmmI think it was The Portrait of a Lady. I must admit, I was impressed. This is the kind of long, encompassing novel that you could read while sitting in a comfy sofa chair and suddenly its three hours later and youre really hungry and cramped and wow you still have 300 pages to go. But it was worth it. I think I was 15 or 16 when I read that, and since I liked to read a bunch of novels by the same author in a row, I turned to The Golden Bowl. A little strange, a little less enjoyable, but still beautifully written and engrossing. A few years later came The American, Daisy Miller, and The Turn of the Screw, all of which I liked. And when I say liked, I mean that I was glad I had read these novels, and appreciated Jamess distinctively subtle and elegant style. But I didnt love his novels like I love the novels of Edith Wharton, Thomas Mann, or Arthur C. Clarke. When I read James, I always had the nagging thought that I should be sitting with good posture in a really uncomfortable embroidered heirloom chair, stuffed into an ugly dress, and sipping tea. And did I mention how cool I think his brother, William, was? Dude pioneered the discipline and study of psychology in the United States and wrote fascinating essays about science, art, religion, and superstition. But I digress. I entered college, and from that point until the end of grad school, I was plunged into the Turn of the Screw pit, by which I mean I couldnt take or teach a course on American literature that didnt in some way discuss that slim, horrifying novella. That, and The Yellow Wallpaper. Both astonishing texts, but they need a break. And yet, I somehow never tired of Turn of the Screw, and enjoyed teasing out all the hints and winks that James buried in it. And then I read The Ambassadors. I shudder, I grow pale, I feel my stomach twist in knots of dread and horror. I despised that book with every inch of my being while reading it and immediately after. Now, its just a dull anger. Why did I feel so strongly about this unutterably obnoxious novel? Well, part of the problem was my own refusal to DNF ANYTHING. I forced myself to read almost every single book that I started, back in those days, because apparently I was a book-masochist. When I realized, about a quarter of the way through, that I was really hating this example of late Henry James, I decided to keep at it, and finish the story despite everything. Id show that Henry. Why did I hate it? James plunged me so deeply into the minds of his characters that I realized I was following their convoluted thought-patterns and neuroses as though they were in my own head. James raised this kind of intense omniscient focalization to a whole new level. I couldnt take it. These characters just sat around ruminating and ruminating and thinking and contradicting themselves and second-guessing their every thought and move that it DROVE. ME. CRAY. ZEE. Dont get me wrong- I appreciated the virtuosity of Jamess writing, and the evolution of his technique. But this kind of overly-intense examination of not-very-likeable characters turned me off. I read The Ambassadors on my own during a college break, which means it was over a decade ago. Maybe if I read it again, Ill feel differently. Maybe. After all, I have re-read novels Ive hated years later and suddenly loved them. So if The Ambassadors is one of your favorite novels, you have two choices: you can either take to the comments and rip my reading taste a new one, or you can convince me to give the book a second chance. Thank you. *bows, leaves podium* ____________________ Follow us on Twitter for more bookish goodness!
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Transgression and taboo in Hellraiser - 825 Words
Transgression and taboo in Hellraiser (Essay Sample) Content: Insert Name Inset Lecturerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Name Insert Subject Insert Subject TRANSGRESSION AND TABOO IN HELLRAISER In this regard "the taboo equates to those issues that the majority of the general public and society see as being forbidden and far too removed from the norms, to the degree that society is irritated both emotionally and mentally. The themes of transgression and taboo are expressed through sexuality, both in nature and tone. Bakerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s work uses this perverse and dark side of sex. Such dark (and evil) delights include: bestiality, gay sex and necrophilia. In Hellraiser, the role of sadomasochism is explored in detail. This a type of taboo which is associated with leather, whips, chains, domination, bondage and submissiveness (King, 156). Hellraiser delineates sadomasochism as having a duality, that of torment and delight, however there is a gossamer line between this duality. Hellraiser utilizes sadomasochism as an illustration to investigate these twin ideas and how they are interlaced. Delight at its extreme can become torment. Furthermore, in sexual circumstances, torment can manifest itself as delight (Everman, 4). The culprits of this sort of instinctive delight are the cenobites. They clad dark leather and when summoned they appear with many chains swinging from the ceiling. This serves to strengthen the sadomasochism analogy that Baker needs to pass on to his audience. In the mid-eighties, when Hellraiser was made, sadomasochism was a subversive practice that was done behind closed doors. The amount of impact Hellraiser would have had in impacting society and culture in bringing sadomasochism from being a taboo to something that has been launched into the mainstream and given another sense of voguishness and respectability is impossible to say. With prominent motion pictures like Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997), Batman Returns (1992) and The Avengers(1998), the female characters clad in leather are depicted as "sexy and strong" in the customs of the dominatrix; while the bound-up male characters adopt submissive roles, for example, Gimp in Pulp fiction(1995). Where audience from the eighties would have found Bakerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s references to sadomasochism unsettling; audience from the nineties would probably see it as being chic (Mathjis and Mendic, 63). Another way in which Hellraiser explores the themes of transgression and taboo is through suffering and pain caused by the charactersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ sexual experiments. Once in they are in hell, they are denied their sexuality. In Hellraiser 2 (1998), Frank is being tormented by apparitions alluring him to satisfy them sexually, just for them to vanish as he goes close to touch them. Hellraiser creates an impression concerning the utilization of sexual symbolism that is pervasive in all types of medium to tempt and lure its recipients to perform consumer service, such as purchasing a brand name item or going to watch a recently released film, which is becoming a norm in Western civilizations (Staiger, 179à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"187). Hellraiser offers a visually irritating new horror, the Cenobites, who depict themselves as being demons to some and angels to others. The Cenobites are illustrations of pain and pleasure. One has had tracheotomy, one has had eyelids sewn, and the master Cenobite has a complicated lattice tattooed onto his head, with nails embedded at each intersection. Every Cenobite has had their flesh sliced, punctured in a few ways. Transgression is dominant throughout the film as the basic human form is re-sexed, transfigured and de-evolved into bizzare creatures that are barely recognizable as once being normal human beings. Aspects of body modification and body horror are brought into perspective. The image of the body is an important aspect of our culture. Hellraiser stresses the "gross out" element or factor that strikes our senses when the body is ripped apart, blown up, dismembered, devoured and dissected. Along with other luminaries such as Friday the Thirteenth (1980), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) and Halloween (1978), Hellraiser has been considered a pioneer in exploring the human body (Williams, 23). Frank, one of the characters, is torn apart by fish snares. In regard to the flesh fetish that is illustrated, it is evident that the film shows us how corrupt and weak our bodies are. On the other hand, the film depicts the dangers associated with modifying our bodies to the point of dehumanizing ourselves as shown by th...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Slave Labor Camp, Buna, By Primo Levi - 1051 Words
From birth, three basic necessities are recognized as vital in order to sustain life, those being clothing, shelter, and food (which also includes water). With these three basic requirements met, a human can survive. However surviving and living one’s life fully as a human are separate things, and the question must be asked does the limitation of food to the bare minimum required to continue sustaining one’s body begin to also impinge on one’s humanity (which for the purposes of this paper will be defined as the entire human existence, physically, emotionally, and otherwise) in a more thorough way? Food is a prime example of how the slave labor camp, Buna, as told by Primo Levi in his memoir Survival in Auschwitz, attempted to dehumanize Levi. Levi begins with the journey (the literal one) at a camp in Italy where he is being held. It was announced by the Germans that Jews would be leaving the camp - destination unknown. Loaded onto buses, the crowds were ta ken to a train station where they boarded and were off. Levi recalls the discomfort of the train and accounts of others around him. Upon arrival, the men and women were separated, and soon thereafter Levi, unaware the same fate awaited him, first witnessed a prisoner. From entering the camp and onward, he is confused by the atrocities occurring around him. Levi goes through the motions of admittance, shower, tattoo, new uniform, barrack assignment and then began the long tortuous year, where his will was soShow MoreRelatedAuschwitz: a Prisoner Camp, an Industrial Camp, and a Death Camp3326 Words  | 14 PagesAuschwitz: a prisoner camp, an industrial camp, and a death camp â€Å"†¦Imagine now a man who is deprived of everyone he loves, and at the same time of his house, his habit, his cloth, in short, of everything he possesses: he will be a hollow man, reduced to suffering and needs, forgetful of dignity and restraint, for he who loses all often easily loses himself. He will be a man whose life or death can be lightly decided with no sense of human affinity, in the most fortunate of cases, on the basis
Monday, May 18, 2020
Short Story - 1470 Words
The time was WW2 and I had been drafted. Away from the women I loved, away from the comforts of home. The only thing that’d keep me going was her†¦ â€Å"On your feet maggot†! Sounded a voice I had come to know. â€Å"General Pierson what an unpleasant surprise†I said meekly. Then an alert came across the intercom, â€Å"10 minutes till debriefing of Normandy beach†. I casually walked there just to tick off Pierson. â€Å"Move it Daniels and Zussman I don’t have all day†he said in a rather demanding manner. I hadn’t noticed it, but my friend Zussman had glided in behind me. Suddenly a brisk feeling filled the air as we entered the rather cadaverously quiet board room. Davis who was the major general gave us the entire scoop. â€Å"Listen you disorderly†¦show more content†¦Suddenly the front of the boat dropped and they had a clear shot and took it. The Germans saw the front of the boat drop and opened machine gun fire down on us. I jumped off the side of the boat just in time to have the boat completely shredded by enemy fire. I moved to the hill only to see Pierson. â€Å"Cmon no time to dig trenches rush the hill and take out their AA guns†yelled Pierson. â€Å"Joe you’re with me†. We rushed to the nearest shelter trying to return fire, but it was no use the Germans had been ready for us. We needed to breach the hill. I ran out to the hill and practically hugged it flattening myself against the cold hard dirt. â€Å"Pierson,†I yelled â€Å"Get me a stick†. He threw me a stick grenade which was quite useful in these situations and I shove the bottom pole in the top pole and threw it. I was sent to the ground. My ears ringing and all I could see was white the world, then became a blur and I looked up to see Zussman. The rest was just a blur of action. All I remember is Zussman and I were charging Germans with our bayonets and staring down to see blood on my hands. Then Zussman got stabbed right in the chest. That stupid son of a gun jumped in front of me to save me from a German. We were deep in enemy territory and now Zussman was badly wounded. I started dragging Zussman out of the bunker we had just ran through and straight into a small mob of Germans. Zussman with whatever strength was left reminded me that I still had aShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill†and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding†written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words  | 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words  | 7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol†by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl†by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words  | 6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,†the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Marketing Flyer Plan For Xyz Construction, Inc.
A MARKETING FLYER PLAN FOR XYZ CONSTRUCTION, INC. Introduction XYZ Construction, Inc. is a privately owned company founded as a family business in the 1950s (SKS7000 Syllabus, 2012, p. 2). The company specializes in horizontal construction work, including roads, airfields and bridges. (SKS7000 Syllabus, 2012, p. 2). The owners have decided to transform the business from one of private ownership to public ownership and plans for its Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 12 months (SKS7000 Syllabus, 2012, p. 2). The company’s headquarters is located in Denver, Colorado, and has 16 field offices located in 11 states (SKS7000 Syllabus, 2012, p. 2). To facilitate the move from private ownership to public ownership, a marketing flyer is desired by the owners. The marketing flyer will analyze the key business environment considerations for a new marketing initiative. The focus of a plan for the marketing flyer will be twofold, including (1) services that concern the private construction and residential areas, including opportunities to expand in order to diversify company operations; and (2) project management considerations that improve the cost effectiveness during large and small scale projects for residential and private construction. The following is a recommended plan for the creation of a marketing flyer for XYZ Construction, Inc.: Services XYZ Construction, Inc. performs horizontal construction work, including roads, airfields and bridges. (SKS7000Show MoreRelatedMarketing Flyer Plan Essay1314 Words  | 6 PagesXYZ Construction, Inc. XYZ Construction Marketing, Inc. Marketing Plan Pamela Bryant Northcentral Univesity Abstract This marketing plan will develop the expansion of the XYZ Construction, Inc. from the state and federal supported construction industry to the private and residential construction industry. The growth of the company as well as the future goals are to be developed through a marketing plan that will a strategy to enter a market that has not been explored previously. The nextRead MoreMarketing Flyer Plan1991 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction This paper will cover the development of a marketing flyer plan for XYZ Construction, Inc. XYZ Construction, Inc. currently is a private construction company that is predominately funded by state and federal contracts. The company has made plans to move from the private sector to the public sector in hopes to increase revenues and business by offering services to the private and residential construction industries. XYZ Construction, Inc. has 12 months to revamp and/or develop different departmentsRead MoreBusiness Process : Integrated Business Operations6494 Words  | 26 PagesWholesale agents and client contact assembly, tricks element Customer and provision expense can address any question that is clear. d) Manufacturing and retail: In this configuration settings, franchisee the right to use the franchisor s name construction and retail level, particularly equipment offers. They make a commitment to support: †¢ Agreement negotiations and demand structure of the subtle elements †¢ To monitor stock levels and import stock. e) Wholesale and retail: Franchisee directly toRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesStrategic Marketing Management Dedication This book is dedicated to the authors’ wives – Gillian and Rosie – and to Ben Gilligan for their support while it was being written. Acknowledgements Our thanks go to Janice Nunn for all the effort that she put in to the preparation of the manuscript. Strategic Marketing Management Planning, implementation and control Third edition Richard M.S. Wilson Emeritus Professor of Business Administration The Business School Loughborough University Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesPaulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Acquisitions Editor: Kim Norbuta Editorial Project Manager: Claudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Marketing Assistant: Ian Gold Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Senior Production Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Ilene Kahn Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thesis Statement For Funding Potential - 735 Words
Funding Potential Because of the interesting and innovative research findings with high commercial value and sustainability, my research has strong funding potential. My research has some unique criteria, (1) most of findings are patentable; (2) all products are organic; (3) applying biological process for the first time to reduce greenhouse gases; (3) applying new technologies to use CO2 and other greenhouse gases as a beneficial materials for the first time to produce new products; (4) producing new high nutrient rich organic fertilizers and pesticides, which ultimately protect the environment by eliminating the harmful contamination from water, land and soils. I have been successful at accumulating funding from both internal and†¦show more content†¦Collaboration, Education and Mentorship, and Outreach I believe that research is most rewarding when it involves some level of collaboration and cooperation between multiple parties. Since my research is a global issue, national and inte rnational collaboration is necessary. I have been fortunate to collaborate with over a dozen labs and many institutions to date, including University of Munich (Germany), Oxford University (UK), University of the Ryukyus (Japan) with different departments, Rutgers University (USA) and University of Toronto (Canada) and these collaborations will be continued after joining at the University of Montreal. My preferred approach to collaboration is to co-advise graduate students or postdocs with my collaborators; this allows the student or postdoc to be embedded in the environmental field,while providing them with deep access to our professional expertise. I have already trained and mentored many MS and PhD students during my tenures at the above-mentioned institutes. I am currently mentoring several graduate research projects, which reflects my dedication to training the next generation in resolving the environmental problems. If I get an opportunity to join at the University of Montreal , I would establish a new course on the projects outlined above. Teaching on the problems of globalShow MoreRelatedA Thesis Statement On Neil Armstrong s Moon1091 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction A. Thesis Statement Neil Armstrong s 1969 lunar landing was one of humanity s greatest accomplishments. Since then, we have found that an infinite supply of knowledge and resources await us just outside our atmosphere. Today, however, critics are beginning to argue more and more that the cost of space exploration is too high, and therefore new technological developments should be left to the private sector. Whether funded privately or by the government, funding of space explorationRead MorePersonal Development Is Worth The `` Investment ``814 Words  | 4 Pagestake two to four or more years to complete. Also, when I finished my doctoral program I remember one graduate student entering his eleventh year of studies! (by #SCSEadvisor2). 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Whole Foods Market Business Analysis Free Essays
Sales have doubled since then and 66% of the British adults now consume organic food and drinks. Their weakness Is the fact they haven’t expanded Into the global market except for Canada and the ASK. There has also been several recalls on brands purchased by the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Whole Foods Market Business Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The opportunities appear to be significant In this retail market. There Is an Increasing desire for organic, healthy products which bodes well for the success of opening new stores. The threat is competition as the demand grows and more stringent regulation. Rental increases is also a concern. In making a decision on whether to invest in Whole Foods Market, the welfare and needs of the internal and external stakeholders need to be considered. Growth depends on Bonds and Stockholders. The company must show consistent growth in order to be able to have available borrowing outlets. The employees are instrumental in keeping the customer feel wanted and satisfied with their shopping. The surrounding community wants to feel compatible with Whole Foods facilities, products and service. And the distributors supplying the company’s product need to know there Is a commitment from their customers. Whole Foods Market is a unique, organic food and natural product supermarket chain located in the US, Canada and ASK. As a wholly owned subsidiary, they are headquartered in Austin, Texas and employ approximately 64,200 people: 13,300 are part-time and 2,700 temporary employees (Denominator, 2012, p. 4). They have an increase in revenue in 2011 from the previous year of 12. 2%, an increase of 25% in operating profit and net profit increase of 42%. (â€Å"Event Brief of IQ , 2012 Whole Foods Market Earnings†, 2012). These figures are significant in recognizing the company’s success in recovering from the recession which hit them In 2008. Presently, the organic food market Is fragmented with many small mom and pops which presents many opportunities for growth by Whole Foods. Fred Meyer, a discount chain, carries an Increasing array of organic foods, but not the quality and quantity of their high end competitor. The company’s strength is in its focused growth plan. â€Å"The new store openings has enabled it to grow at a compounded and annual growth rate of 26% during 1991-2011†. Denominator, 2012, p. 6). They have formalized their square footage for new and renovated stores by past analysis of their successes and allures. The expansion into the I-J market, in particular the 2007 acquisition of 80,000 square feet in London could be a major step into a market outside of the US. Sales have doubled and 66% of the British public consumes organic food and drink. (Live Business News , 2012, p. 3) Their weaknesses lay in lack of expansion into international operations, product recall of certain brands, and increasing rental costs. Recalls are an issue. They have had to withdraw Whole Foods Market Dairy Free bakery products because it contained milk which was not on the label. Texas had to call cheddar cheese products because of an e-coli contamination and there was a possible Salmonella contamination for the Whole Foods, Carob Energy Nuggets in 2009. They have not been able to successfully expand into markets other than a few stores in Canada and the I-J. They have not been able to obtain competitive prices from their distributors for these stores because of the low volume. Whole Foods also has a weak advertising budget and relies heavily on Internet and word of mouth, a disadvantage when their competitors advertising strategies are expanded into other markets. (Live Business News, 2012, p. 7) Leases for space and equipment have increased significantly from 4. 8 million in 2004 to 201 million in 2007. Future growth could be impacted. The increasing demand for organic foods and the new emerging life styles of the American public appear as great opportunities for Whole Foods Market. â€Å"According to industry estimates, the sales of organic food increased three fold since 2000 to exceed $28. Billion in 2010†(Denominator, 2012 p. 7) With this increase in sales, the company is still the only chain catering and available to this market. They are continually expanding their product base to include such foods for customers with facial dietary needs. The trend of the American family is moving towards eating at home and eating healthy. Competition in th e food retailing market is intense. Currently, Whole Foods does not experience significant competition in the organic food, natural products, and vitamin supplement area. But, as the demand and desire grow, so will the competition. How to cite Whole Foods Market Business Analysis, Essays
No Turning Back free essay sample
Gasps sounded as lightning flashed. In the two seats next to me, my friends were sleeping peacefully. I, however, was wringing my hands; I was scared. It wasnt one of those absolute horror moments, but just pure anxiety rearing its head. I was 16 and on a plane over Guatemala City. As the lights came on in the cabin and the pilot explained that they were preparing for a lightning strike, I knew there was no turning back. And somewhere deep down, I knew that the coming week would change my life. There was no turning back. I could write for hours about that one week, during that one summer. I could write about the markets, the mission house, Amor del Nios, and all the smiling, disabled children there. I could write about the relationships I formed with people who took that journey with me, but what struck me above all else were the Guatemalans. We will write a custom essay sample on No Turning Back or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I met a widow with grown children who cried and hugged and thanked us for the home we gave her. With tears rolling down her wrinkled face, we held each other. I personally had not worked on her home, but that didnt matter to her. As a group we had come from the United States and given her a home when all shed had before was cardboard covered with plastic bags. The homes we made werent much – four walls and a roof, all of tin, on a cement block 10 feet by 10 feet. I wouldnt even call them shacks. And yet, the people were so thankful. I met children who had nothing compared to me. Shoeless and in ratty clothes, they played in a yard – if they were lucky – inhabited by emaciated pigs and chickens. At one home, three little boys came out to greet us, one named Michelangelo. He played on a barbed-wire fence while he watched us, always smiling. They smile a lot there. After that summer and that one week in Guatemala, I entered the twelfth grade and realized something about myself. Making an A in AP Calculus wasnt as important as it once had been. I have always been a straight-A student, perhaps I always will be, but the grade I earn in some class in high school doesnt really matter in life. What matters more is what I do with what Ive been given. People in Guatemala have nothing, and yet they continue. I have everything going for me and I can no longer ignore that. In my life I plan to use what I have to benefit others. All that I do, academically and intellectually, I do for the purpose of helping others. When I work and achieve good grades, good test results, I do it not to brag but to open more opportunities so that I might go even further and some day help more people. Yet in the same way, when I have a test the next day and a friend calls, crying, I now realize that its more important to be with that friend than to make a perfect grade on some test. When preparing to land at the airport in Guatemala City, our plane was not struck by lightning. I, however, was struck. I was struck by reality in that week. I was struck by compassion for those who have nothing. And theres no turning back.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Impact of Racism on Aboriginal Health -
Questions: 1. How would you explain the impact of racism as a social determinant of Aboriginal health? 2. What benefits do you gain from working effectively with Aboriginal people? Answers: 1. Racism has been a social evil in most of the countries in the recent few years. The people in the African countries have suffered a lot because of the racism in the European world. The black skinned people have been the victims of the so called educated and civilized world. It is of no shame to disclose that the people who are the victims of racism often suffer from the serious illnesses and they do not have the rights to make their treatments (Kelaher 2014). The aboriginal people or the Torres Strait islanders are also the victims of racism in many ways. They are deprived of the primary facilities that should be provided to them as they are the backward class. However, their children do not get those benefits that they should get (Nelson 2009). There are several things that should be looked upon in this context. It is definitely a matter of concern that the aboriginal people and the Torres Strait islanders are suffering from various diseases. These diseases are very infectious and the children are getting ill very rapidly as they do not have that much restriction power (Kelaher, Ferdinand and Paradies 2014). Everyone is well aware of the fact that the life expectancy of the indigenous Australians is well below the common Australians. They suffer from several health problems just because they do not have the proper access to the mitigation of the health issues. The root cause for this can definitely be racism (Durey, Thompson and Wood 2012). There are indeed some definite reasons as to why the health problems for the aboriginal people have arisen in the last few years. The principal reasons are the aboriginal and indigenous people in Australia have not been able to get the proper access to the most necessary things in order to get the benefits (Kelaher, Ferdinand and Paradies 2014). These things are the facilities of education, job employment, medical care facilities and housing. There are very few schools in the Torres Strait islands. These people are completely deprived of these facilities indeed. They are very much exposed to the to the risk factors that are associated with the health problems like the much intake of junk food, foods with the toxic materials inside them and others (Calma and Priday 2011). This is why the aboriginal people and mostly the aboriginal children are in a great danger indeed. The studies have found that too much stress has led to the ill mental health of the original people. This has a negat ive cognitive reaction on the mental health of the aboriginal people (Gair 2013). There are many instances where it has been found that the aboriginal people are mostly engaged in the unhealthy activities like drinking of alcohol, too much smoking and serious addiction to drugs. These are the reasons the aboriginal people are always prone to get ill. The physiological systems of the aboriginal people have been hampered because the immunity system is getting damaged (Bessarab and Crawford 2012). Many serious cardiovascular problems have been noticed as well. In fact these aboriginal people are being physically assaulted as well because the racist issues. As the aboriginal or indigenous Australian people are deprived of the proper housing facilities, they do not get to meet their healthy activities like sleep, exercise and taking of the proper medicines (Herring et al. 2013). It has been from the examples that the indigenous or aboriginal people face several threats of death when they are admitted to the hospitals (Kelaher 2014). Some aboriginal people are also of the opinion that they will receive the ill treatment in the hospitals if they are admitted. This is simply because they believe the civilized people will make fun of them and they will lose all the self-confidence indeed (Zufferey 2012). The matter of ethnicity becomes a larger prospect in this matter as well. The common Australians think that they do not have the proper etiquettes that should be followed in a civilized society. The problem is the fact that they have their own etiquettes. The hospitals in Australia are built on the Western biomedical model. The hospitals are mainly managed and acquired by the white skinned civilized hospitals. This is why the aboriginals face the racist comments all over the country. The aboriginals face the language problem very much. The impact of colonisation has been there as well. This impact has left them separated from the cultural beliefs, practices, family cultures and many more from the mainland people (Cass et al. 2004). This has been an elemental thing for the people named aboriginals. They are facing several health problems because of this racism. The racism is not only about the skin color but it is also about the race and ethnicity of the people indeed. 2. Aboriginal people are the tribal people of Australia. They are the section of society representating the Australian cultural heritage. Working with them is a great priviledge for me. This is in terms of gaining more insight into the Australian culture. I have listened to their music and it is very soothing, relaxing my mind. I wish to work on this topic to provide a platform to the Aborginal music to give shape to their talents. This would uplift their standards in the society. I think education is one of the other dimensions, which enhances the living standards of the Australian tribes, especially the Aboriginal people. In the process of preserving the education rights of the Aboriginal children, my preconceieved skills, expertise and knowledge have enriched. Here I can relate the statement, that age is no bar for increasing the knowledge. Being a social worker, I am learning many things about culture from the Aboriginal people, with which I was previously unfamiliar. There is a perception that students lack the attribute of empathy for the Aboriginal men. However, my working with these people negates this perception. Investigating their life story has filled me with sympathy for them. I empathise with them in terms of being the victim of racial discrimination. I am very much concerned about the health issues, which they encounter as a result of being entrapped in the social malice of racial discrimination. Providing them with quality accommodation has compelled me to realize the intensity of such a malice, which affects the individualism. This perception has compelled me to introspect my life in terms of fulfilling the identified goals and objectives. Working with the Aboriginal people has highlighted before me the issue of improper treatment, which these marginalized people are compelled to encounter. This has enhanced my clarity regarding the demarcations between the richer and the poorer strata of society. I think these people belong to the mainstream society and need to be given the due respect. This is in terms of the contribution, which they are making towards maintaining the cultural diversity. I would encourage all of my colleagues to indulge in seeking innovative means for uplifting the standards of these people from the harsh blows of such malice. Changing the mentality would result in the achievement of positive outcomes and create a better place for the Aboriginal people in exposing their individual talents. References Bessarab, D. and Crawford, F., 2012. Trauma, grief and loss: The vulnerability of Aboriginal families in the child protection system. InOur Voices: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Work(pp. 93-113). Palgrave MacMillan. Calma, T. and Priday, E. (2011). Putting Indigenous Human Rights into Social Work Practice.Australian Social Work, 64(2), pp.147-155. Cass, A., Devitt, J., Preece, C., Cunningham, J., Anderson, K., Snelling, P., Eris, J. and Ayanian, J., 2004. Barriers to access by Indigenous Australians to kidney transplantation: the IMPAKT study.Nephrology,9(s4). Durey, A., Thompson, S.C. and Wood, M., 2012. Time to bring down the twin towers in poor Aboriginal hospital care: addressing institutional racism and misunderstandings in communication.Internal medicine journal,42(1), pp.17-22. Gair, S. (2013). Inducing Empathy: Pondering Students' (In)Ability to Empathize With an Aboriginal Man's Lament and What Might Be Done About It.Journal of Social Work Education, 49(1), pp.136-149. Kelaher, M.A., 2014. Experiencing racism in health care: the mental health impacts for Victorian Aboriginal communities.Education,55(56), pp.8-3. Kelaher, M.A., Ferdinand, A.S. and Paradies, Y., 2014. Experiencing racism in health care: the mental health impacts for Victorian Aboriginal communities.The Medical journal of Australia,201(1), pp.44-47. Nelson, A. (2009). Learning from the past, looking to the future: Exploring our place with Indigenous Australians.Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 56(2), pp.97-102. Ward, J., Bryant, J., Worth, H., Hull, P., Solar, S. and Bailey, S., 2013. Use of health services for sexually transmitted and blood-borne viral infections by young Aboriginal people in New South Wales.Australian journal of primary health,19(1), pp.81-86. Zufferey, C. (2012). Not knowing that I donot know and not wanting to know: Reflections of a white Australian social worker.International Social Work, 56(5), pp.659-673.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Sharm El Shiekh Trip Essays - Red Sea Riviera, Sharm El-Sheikh
Sharm El Shiekh Trip SHARM EL SHEIKH, Each one of us has his dreams about a lovely honeymoon; I think Sharm El Sheikh Baron Resort could meet everyone's reveries. Sandy Magdy said. Sharm El Shiekh Baron Resort has a promenade along the romantic beach of Ras Nosrani Bay and the Red Sea infront of it, stretching along the 500 meters private beach. Mr. Michael Shahin always takes his wife Sandy there, that started by a honeymoon in the beginning. It is a place where you can taste the ideal meaning of enjoyment, combined with luxury and warm feelings. Michael said. The Sharm El Sheikh Baron Resort is located three Kilometers from the airport and ten Kilometers from the old town center. One could enjoy diving but for nondivers, they could enjoy snorkeling. For shopping, one could walk along the Baron Boulevard for a variety of exclusive shops, such as the jewelry shop, book shop and airline office. At Sharm El Shiekh Baron Resort, one takes pleasure in a wonderful weather and enjoys different sports, with outstanding courts. There are 12 restaurants and bars in that place; one is never short of choice. Sandy thinks that the Sinai Restaurant is the best because it offers a variety of sumptuous international buffets. However she said that in her honeymoon she used to enjoy dinners with sea view, in a romantic atmosphere, where magic encompasses everything. For Sandy it was not a problem because she found a lot of hair and beauty salons, bazaars. Michael enjoyed himself in the Panorama bar and lounge. It is a perfect place for a friend's meeting. Also it was a great place for chatting or seeing the sunset with his partner. Your favorite drink of fresh cocktail is served in a naturally pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Michael said. The couple also spent some evenings enjoying a variety of games, playing billiards, snooker or table tennis. Michael admitted that Sharm El shiekh Baron Resort with all its fantasies is an unforgettable beginning for a couple just starting their life. He added that it is a place where you get to feel the warm breeze in your face and where you can count the colers of the sunset. Sandy was always relaxing and lying down lazily with her partner. The couple lastly said that when they first came, they were sure that all the hectic months of planning their wedding and preparing for a new future would be instantly forgotten, replaced with love thoughts of a memorable honeymoon. Creative Writing
Friday, March 6, 2020
dogs essays
dogs essays A breed descended from the great Molloser that accompanied Hannibal across the Alps when he invaded Rome. Swissys were used by Swiss farmers to haul carts to market and as drivers to drive their cattle. Many Swissys still retain these working abilities today. The breed was used as late as World War II as pack dogs by the Swiss Army The breed was almost extinct around the turn of the century and numbers have been slowly increasing. Swissys are in great demand as pets because of their stable temperaments. Is a natural breed of wild origin. The over all impression is that of an extremely agile and graceful animal with a fox- like appearance. A tonal love is a unique characteristic of the breed. New Guinea Singing Dogs are highly active, lively, and alert. They are constantly exploring everything in their environment, using all five senses including taste. Although usually gentle and affectionate with people, they can be aggressive toward other dogs, especially of the same gender. Known in its homeland as Mah Thai Lang Aan, originates from eastern Thailand ( formerly Sion). This medium sized dog was originally used for hunting and as well as a guard dog at homes, and on the road as it escorted the carts. This is a well muscle dog that is closer to rectangular on body proportions than square. This dog is strong and has the ability to jump as well as being able to run at great speed. It is estimated that there are at least 500,000 dogs that are kept as pets or being used in their traditional jobs as watchdogs and traveling companion and with over 50,000 registered with the Dog Association of Thailand, throughout Thailand., I would cross all three of the previous dogs. From the Swissys I would take their calmness and hauling ability. From the N ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Economy of Tunisia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economy of Tunisia - Research Paper Example This saw the unemployment rate drop from 18.9 per cent mark to 16.7 per cent in 2012. The biggest contributors of this growth were the growth of the tourism industry and the mining industry that were heavily affected in 2011. The increased consumption that the country had been experiencing in 2011 from large public expenditures on wages and social programs significantly reduced in the subsequent year. The economy of Tunisia is largely depended on oil, phosphate mining, agri-business, manufacturing of car parts the vibrant tourism sector. In 2011, the country was going through a rough time due to political uncertainty and instability of Libya, and the ever persistent social tensions that were combined with a weak performance of the Euro in the Eurozone. These major factors have been a reason for the slow recovery of the economy (Stampini, and Verdier-Chouchane 2). In 2012, the government of Tunisia wanted to boost the economic recovery by easing the social tensions and trying to impro ve on both its expansionary fiscal and monetary policies. This however did not happen, as only a percentage of what was an ambitious fiscal stimulus package approved in the supplementary budget of 2012 was executed. The actual budgeted expenditures were converted into consumption from their initial investment allocation (Stampini, and Verdier-Chouchane 3). Inflation in the country had a steady rise to 5.9 per cent mark in late 2012, compared to 4.2 per cent the previous year. This was characterized by increased food prices and the general cost of living to the people. Due to the increase in the public discontent because of increased general cost of living, Central Bank of Tunisia tightened the country’s monetary stance in the mid months of the year 2012 to revert the expansionary monetary policy (The World Bank n.p.). Despite the challenges faced by the economy, the economy of Tunisia is ranked at first position in Africa and at the 36th position in global rankings ahead of P ortugal, ranked at 43, Italy, ranked at 49, and Greece at 67 due to its economic competitiveness. Taxes and Debt of Tunisia Tunisia has a high public debt that some analysts consider that it should consider demanding for a reschedule, suspension or even cancellation of the public debt. In the year 2012, the country’s current account deficit widened and hit an 8.1 per cent of the country’s total Gross Domestic Product, financed by Foreign Domestic Income and the external financiers pumped huge inflows of external official financing into the economy. Currently, the public debt stands at 14.4 billion dollars, meaning that the range of the external debt to the GDP is just a little below 50%. Although this is a high rate of the debt, it is yet to reach the untenable range of 60% of the GDP, while the government deficit exceeds 3.0%. The country is yet to reach the threshold where most of the under developed and developing countries are, of an exorbitant debt. Some economist s argue that the debt should be cancelled, on grounds it is an odious and illegal debt that arose from the interests of the ousted president and his relatives, yet the Tunisian people did not see any of it (Tunisia: 2012 Article Iv Consultation 135-149). These issues have been forwarded to the International Crisis group, that has been mandated with the task of determining what the real debt of the country is and what was
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Benzene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Benzene - Essay Example At room temperature, it is liquid and is a bit viscous. Its density is 0.879 g/mL and turns to vapor at 80.1Â ºC. It is a flammable aromatic hydrocarbon and is not completely miscible with water, but can dissolve in other solvents like acetone, chlorofom or carbon tetrachloride (EPA, 1988). Because of its high flammability and volatility, the chemical must be kept away from sparks, open flame, heat or other hot surfaces that may cause fire or explosion (, 2014). Benzene is a common part of industrial manufacturing of plastics, man-made fibers, rubber lubricants, colorants and pesticides. It is also a component in gasoline and other petroleum products. In nature, volcanoes and forest fires emit benzene into the atmosphere. Residential uses of benzene are found in adhesives, paint removers and gasoline. Petroleum products are the major contributors of benzene in the environment (, 2013). Other aromatic chemicals such as phenol and toluene, are also synthesized from benzene either by replacing the hydrogen atoms in the molecule or by cleavage of the bonds in the benzene molecule. Most chemicals from benzene are products of substitution reactions (, 1988). Humans are exposed to benzene in different ways, namely through inhalation, ingestion or by skin contact. The most common route of benzene exposure is by inhalation, especially when humans are exposed to petroleum products or benzene-containing paints and resins. When benzene is released in its vapor form from manufacturing industries, the people living near the area are exposed and inhale it. The symptoms that may be experienced when exposed to benzene for short periods are headaches or nausea. However, for longer periods high risk of having cancer and anemia are some of the health effects. Some studies in animals have shown that prolonged exposure to benzene vapors caused infertility and damaged reproductive organs.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Schweppes Company Analysis
Schweppes Company Analysis According to the case, Cadbury Schweppes are focusing on acquisition strategy in order to complement its portfolio of chocolate, soft drinks, sugar confectionary (candy) and gum. Since its first acquisition on gum businesses which is Hollywood, Cadbury went on to bid Adams another gum business. This is because Cadbury sees that chewing gum as a very attractive category to be included into their confectionary strategy. By acquiring Adams, they will have big chances of becoming leading company in the confectionary industries. Thus, Cadbury had implemented several strategies to bid Adams from Pfizer which may lead to the sustainable competitive advantage to the company itself. The following are several strategies that Cadbury had used to bid and acquire Adams into its confectionary business. Cadbury had created a dedicated M A team, which is under Stitzers strategy group, at corporate headquarters to replace autonomous and dispersed work by local businesses. Besides that, Cadbury Schweppes brought in nearly 100 managers from divisions around the world to Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City for a two week workshop to refine the model and build commitment to the deal and the planned synergy numbers. Thirdly, Cadbury Schweppes had indentified the top tier of Adams management and began making determinations as to who they would like to keep in the event of successful acquisitions. Next strategy is the mantra Best person, right to take the most qualified candidate to match the job that best suited him or her. They also assumed the merger as the potentially transformative event. Cadbury Schweppes had developed an exhaustive integration plan in the event of a successful bid for Adams. A steering committee would be set up with integration management team, and enable teams to achieve the full potential of the merger. Each of this strategies will be evaluated with 4 variables which are value added, rare, hard to imitate, and not easily substitutable. Any of these strategies which had fulfilled all of the four criteria will lead to the sustainable competitive advantage in order to bid Adams successfully from other potential bidders like Nestle, Wrigley, Kraft, Pepsico, Mars, Hershey and Pharma companies. According to the case, Cadbury is estimated ranked as the fifth in the line of potential bidders which is behind Nestle, Kraft, Mars and Hersheys. The first strategy is creating a dedicated merger and acquisition team to replace autonomous and dispersed work by local businesses. We evaluated it as rare because not many companies would spend so many times and human capital to build a comprehensive business model of Adams and also human resources just to make one acquisitions. Besides that, there is a added value behind the team, whereby a team of talented people were gathered to make a strategic business model to bid Adams as they could see the future of Adams which can make Cadbury a leading confectionary company in the industry. It is also rather hard to imitate because the strategy of mergers and acquisitions were planned by whole department rather than just 5 people unit. This 5 people unit team is non-substitutable, as Cadbury is the first company with the team that already begun a comprehensive of Adams model of businesses which include detailed information about marketing and sales, list of potential cost and revenue syne rgies for each of 50 countries and etc. This strategy had proven how well that Cadbury analyzed on Adams before they make decisions to acquire a company. Moreover, Cadbury Schweppes brought in nearly 100 managers from divisions around the world to Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City for a two week workshop to refine the model and build commitment to the deal and the planned synergy numbers. We do not see this as rare because according to the case, competitors would have higher cost. This strategy has value creations because it has brought in the value of team work and stimulates closer relationship between managers from division of around the world. It is rather hard to imitate by many of the companies because, such strategy may require a very large cost by having two week workshop the synergy numbers that they planned in this strategy are easy to substitute because in the case, Stitzer claimed that the synergies were not large enough to support the price necessary to win the deal. Third strategy whom Cadbury Schweppes had indentified the top tier of Adams management and began making determinations as to who they would like to keep in the event of successful acquisitions. This strategy has value creation because, before Cadbury identified and analyzed their organizational culture and its top management team whether it is suitable with Cadburys corporate culture to make a successful joint business in future or not. Furthermore, this strategy is considered as rare as it will help increase possibility of becoming the preferred purchaser for Adams as well Pfizer who is currently the CEO of Adams. It is also not easy to imitate by competitors, as not many top executives can win the chance to know Adams detailed corporate information as what Cadburys do. This strategy would be difficult to substitute by other competitors. For example Nestle, as they do not have much information about Adam especially regarding their corporate culture whether it would culturally fit wi th them or not, although they have large capitals to bid Adams over Cadbury. The fourth strategy with the mantra Best person, right job which means human resources will take the best qualified candidate to match the job that best suited him or her. Added value created by having the most qualified and talented employee to produce the best quality job for the company. Besides that, it is rare, because every company is unsure that it had any of their employees who could lead the large American divisions if Adams is successfully acquired. It is also hard to substitute as many managers did not have the experience to run an integrated business on a global scale. However, the mantra or slogan that Cadbury carry with them are easily imitated by others as every company have the same objectives to employ the best employee in order to help the company to achieve the utmost results as well as to improve productivity. They assume the merger as the potentially transformative event. This strategy has value added element where it is an opportunity to centralize, transform practices and create more shared services. Besides that, it is also rare that only Stitzer believed that this kind of acquisition may motivate others to accept changes towards better improvement. Furthermore, acquisition on Adams is something new on both cultural and social on the company itself. With such strategy in mind of every executives is hard and difficult to adapt my every organizations, as not everyone especially the senior executives will accept new changes or new cultural when a company are merged and have to change their rules and organizations which has caused this strategy hard to imitate. However, Cadburys senior managers foresee the merger and acquisition as an opportunity to restructure a new business model for Cadbury towards achieving leading confectionary company. There is very less substitute as Cadbury who wil l have a very motivating thinking towards accepting new changes which help the company to achieve sustainable advantage. Cadbury Schweppes had developed an exhaustive integration plan in the event of a successful bid for Adams. Such plan is rare because, within 90 days, all validation and planning of the synergies has to be complete and new synergy projects that needed to Beat the Model to be identified and mapped out. In addition, the plan is quite hard to imitate, as all the bidding preparation are required to work out within a short time and period whereby there is no other teams or competitors that could work out a successful integration plan in such a short period. Furthermore, we find out that it is quite hard to find another similar merger that could implement an integration will all the detailed work plan as well as synergy projects to be done within 60 days. Within the first 90 days monthly, all the monthly status report about merger integration and applicable synergies will begin in each department of the company itself, which indicated that the Cadbury has added value in terms of building st rategic plan to acquire Adams compared to other competitors. A steering committee would be set up with integration management team and enabler teams to achieve the full potential of the merger. This strategy contains regional value capture teams as well as functional value capture teams which are important to drive the company towards achieving sustainable competitive advantage. This is also rare because it is necessary to prepare huge amount of human resources to manage several teams in carrying out the integration plan. Furthermore, it is not easily imitated by competitors as not many companies would have interest to focus and spend time to organize a huge number of human capital to implement an integration plan just on the acquisition strategy which the company that acquired are not 100 percent would bring profits for the company itself. Besides that, Adams will also find hard to find other bidders like Cadbury whom had been making deep analysis and study about the corporate detailed information and there are some business similarities betw een Cadbury and Adams. In conclusion, out of so many strategies that Cadbury had implemented, only some of the strategies can lead to sustainable competitive advantage as they had fulfilled 4 criteria, namely added value, rare, hard to imitate and hard to substitute. The strategies are: (1) creating dedicated merger and acquisition team to replace autonomous and dispersed work by local businesses; (2) indentifying the top tier of Adams management and begin making determinations as to who they would like to keep in the event of successful acquisitions; (3) assume the merger as the potentially transformative event; (4) developed an exhaustive integration plan in the event of a successful bid for Adams; and (5) setting up steering committee with integration management team, and enabler teams to achieve the full potential of the merger
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Implementing Change
Implementing change in a department of organization can be difficult. Management must have a plan before implementing the change. The manager’s role and responsibility in implementing change within a department is very important. The manager’s role is to assess the change that needs to take place, come up with a plan to implement a change, implement the change, and evaluate the change in a timely order. To have a successful implementation of a new process, the manager must be involved in each step. The manager must keep the staff involved and let the staff know why the change is taking place and how it will affect the work process. The manager faces many challenges such as meeting the organizations goals and working with staff members who might resist the change. This paper will focus on the manager’s role and responsibility in implementing change, the way a manager should successfully handle staff resistance to change and define each step of the change process such as assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. When there is a change in the work process within the department, the manager’s role and responsibility is to make sure the implementation of the changes takes place smoothly with the help of the staff. According to Sullivan & Decker (2009), the manager must be able to communicate openly and honestly with the staff, support the staff if they are resisting the change, emphasize the positive outcomes from initiating change, find solutions to problems that are obstacles to change and accept the constancy of change. The manager must be able to identify the change, collect and analyze data, develop a plan, help the staff prepare for the change, prepare to handle resistance, provide feedback, and evaluate effectiveness of the change. The manager should involve the staff in the implementation of the new work process. According to Knoer (2011), communication is one of the most important tools that a leader must utilize to successfully implement. If the manager does not involve the staff, the staff might think their input is not important or their employment will be affected. This can lead to resistance from staff and have a negative affect in the department. The staff can give managers their input on what areas should be focused on and raise concerns that management might look over. By having the staff involved the manager can prevent them from resisting the change or have a better understanding of why the staff might be resisting and work on ways to lower the staff resistance. With change comes resistance. According to Fiedler (2010), resistance is considered to possibly have positive and/or negative impact on a change, and to be exerted by internal or external environments. The department manager must be able to successfully handle resistance from staff members. Some reasons why a staff member might resist the change is because he or she might not trust the manager, have a fear of failure, believe the change is unnecessary, staff may think if a certain change did not work in the past it will fail again, and the number one reason is the staff member might think he or she will lose their job. Resistance can also come in the form of poor work habits, not showing up to work on time, calling in sick, and lack of interest in the change. The department manager can manage resistance by talking to staff members who are opposed to the change. By talking to the staff, the manager will understand the staff’s concerns and clarify any misunderstanding. The manager must be willing to listen to the staff’s ideas but explain to the staff why the change needs to take place and the positive changes the implementation will bring to the department. The manager must keep open communication, support, and maintain trust of the resisting staff. A manager can be successful with resisting staff if he or she is flexible, confident, realistic, staying focused on the big picture, by combining ideas, energizing the resistors with interests, and solves problems. The change process should be taken in steps of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The first step assessing the change requires collecting and analyzing important data. Assessing the department will help the manager learn what changes are needed, how to improve the quality of work, stay ahead of the competition, and how to approach the implementation. The plan is the second step and involves gathering the resources needed to implement the change. According to Lombardi & Schermerhorn, â€Å"planning is the process of setting performance objectives and determining what actions should be taken to accomplish them†(p. 7). By having a plan management can prevents mistakes and accidents from happening, without a plan the new change can become a chaos. Employees will be doing what they think is right and this can cause many problems between the staff and management. When management has a plan employees know what is expected of them and know how to achieve the depart ments goals. The next step is to implement the change, where the plan is put into action. The manager has to make sure the staff has the resources needed for the change. If the staff needs to be trained they should receive all trainings before the implementation of the change. This can help the manager keep employees focused and energized. The last step is the evaluation of the change. In this step the manager will evaluate the new step after a set amount of time. The evaluation allows the manger to see how the change has affected the department, whether the change is working, and meeting the goals required in the plan. When implementing change, the manager must knows his or her roles, responsibilities, and how to approach the staff. The manager should not decide what changes needs to take place without assessing the departments needs. The manager must take into consideration how the new change will affect the employees work process, productivity of the department, the morale of the department. Employees concerns should be taken into consideration as well as the expectation of resistance from some employees. At each phase of the change the manager must refer to the plan and must be able to evaluate the change in a timely manner. Implementing change can be difficult but if the manager follows the change process they will be successful.
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