Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Community Profile Essay - 4424 Words
UNIVERSITY OF TEESSIDE SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies, Adult The Role of the Nurse in Improving Health and Wellbeing (CCH1037-N-BJ1-2012) Community Profile Megan McCallion J9238068 Word Count: 3,704 Thursday 24th January 2013 Contents page Chapter One- Introduction........................................................................Page 3-4 Chapter Two – The Health Improvement Issue......................................Page 5-8 Chapter Three – Service Provision.........................................................Page 9-11 Chapter Four – The Role of the Nurse....................................................Page 12-13 Chapter Five –†¦show more content†¦Chapter Two – The Health Improvement Issue From the various studies, reports and statistics (many of which have been referenced and/or quoted in the Introduction) it is clearly evident that there are a number of different health improvement issues in the town of Middlesbrough. Whilst these health improvement issues cover such things as alcohol and drug misuse, from the reports, statistics and studies, it is clear that the key and predominant health related improvement issue in the town of Middlesbrough, is smoking. The Middlesbrough Health Profile 2012 says that ‘smoking is one of the main priorities for improvement in this area; approximately 30,000 people smoke in Middlesbrough’ (Middlesbrough JSNA, 2012). As a result of this large section of Middlesbrough’s population smoking, it would come as no surprise that a high number of people are suffering from smoke related illnesses and diseases and worst stil l, dying of these related illnesses and diseases prematurely. The high numbers of people suffering smoke related illnesses and disease will have an adverse impact on the local NHS and other services and in turn, be a high impact in terms of money, budgets and increasing costs that the local NHSShow MoreRelatedEth316 Community Profile Paper1362 Words  | 6 PagesCommunity Profile Presentation The City of Kelsey is an environment friendly and diverse community with residents from different ethnicities and backgrounds. The City Kelsey where most people regardless of the entry-level position have an opportunity to find a job. One of the largest employers is Smith System consulting, followed by Huffman trucking company own and managed by family members. This community has a diverse population of professionals on different fields such as consulting, transportationRead MoreWhat Is A Community Profile?1238 Words  | 5 PagesChapter one - Introduction What is a community profile? 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