Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Community Profile Essay - 4424 Words
UNIVERSITY OF TEESSIDE SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies, Adult The Role of the Nurse in Improving Health and Wellbeing (CCH1037-N-BJ1-2012) Community Profile Megan McCallion J9238068 Word Count: 3,704 Thursday 24th January 2013 Contents page Chapter One- Introduction........................................................................Page 3-4 Chapter Two – The Health Improvement Issue......................................Page 5-8 Chapter Three – Service Provision.........................................................Page 9-11 Chapter Four – The Role of the Nurse....................................................Page 12-13 Chapter Five –†¦show more content†¦Chapter Two – The Health Improvement Issue From the various studies, reports and statistics (many of which have been referenced and/or quoted in the Introduction) it is clearly evident that there are a number of different health improvement issues in the town of Middlesbrough. Whilst these health improvement issues cover such things as alcohol and drug misuse, from the reports, statistics and studies, it is clear that the key and predominant health related improvement issue in the town of Middlesbrough, is smoking. The Middlesbrough Health Profile 2012 says that ‘smoking is one of the main priorities for improvement in this area; approximately 30,000 people smoke in Middlesbrough’ (Middlesbrough JSNA, 2012). As a result of this large section of Middlesbrough’s population smoking, it would come as no surprise that a high number of people are suffering from smoke related illnesses and diseases and worst stil l, dying of these related illnesses and diseases prematurely. The high numbers of people suffering smoke related illnesses and disease will have an adverse impact on the local NHS and other services and in turn, be a high impact in terms of money, budgets and increasing costs that the local NHSShow MoreRelatedEth316 Community Profile Paper1362 Words  | 6 PagesCommunity Profile Presentation The City of Kelsey is an environment friendly and diverse community with residents from different ethnicities and backgrounds. The City Kelsey where most people regardless of the entry-level position have an opportunity to find a job. One of the largest employers is Smith System consulting, followed by Huffman trucking company own and managed by family members. This community has a diverse population of professionals on different fields such as consulting, transportationRead MoreWhat Is A Community Profile?1238 Words  | 5 PagesChapter one - Introduction What is a community profile? 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of The Poem I Pimp A Butterfly By Neil Mccormick
â€Å"To Pimp a Butterfly†initially received very mixed reviews. Some called it overwhelming and harsh. Others labeled it as on of the most innovative and refreshing rap albums in years. Neil McCormick of The Daily Telegraph called the album a bravura masterpiece, describing it as dense, intricate †¦ a poetic narrative built around a long dark night of the soul. The general populous greatly enjoyed the album, as it sold over one million copies. It also reached #1 on the Billboard Top 100 albums. In addition to being successfully marketed, â€Å"To Pimp a Butterfly†won numerous awards and accolades, including the Grammy for Rap Album of the Year. He also received his second nomination for Album of the Year, but lost to Taylor Swift’s â€Å"1989.†But some critiques did not believe that â€Å"To Pimp a Butterfly†deserved such high praise. Clover Hope of The Muse claimed that the album was overwhelmingly black. Although she greatly enjoyed t he album, she was left with a deeper impression she has yet to figure out. â€Å"This is a special album, and that won t change. But I already need a break from it. I gotta get away from it. Its blackness is way too vast,†she said in her review. Others have felt similarly, claiming that his political message is overbearing at times. It’s easy to see how these critiques could make these arguments. From start to finish, â€Å"To Pimp a Butterfly†deals with struggles faced by many African Americans. In almost every song of the album, Kendrick raps about police
Monday, December 9, 2019
Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Essay Example For Students
Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Essay Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Franz Kafkas beginning of his novel, The Metamorphosis, begins with what would seem a climactic moment: As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. From this point on, the reader is determined to make sense of this transformation. However, the reader later comes to realize that Gregor is actually not an insect, but this metamorphosis into a vermin was purely symbolic. It symbolizes the degrading lifestyle that Gregor leads to support his family. This leads the reader to understand Gregors absurd dilemma. Gregors insignificant and outcast lifestyle of supporting his family proves that the universe is irrational, and mans place in it is absurd. This is proven by the fact that Gregor is working to pay off his fathers debts and provide for his family. His work is mundane, and strictly business. Yet, when the metamorphosis of Gregor takes place, his family practically shuns him from their contact. Still however, Gregors first thoughts after believing that he is an insect, are to get dressed and go to work. This attitude is seemingly absurd, however Gregor is so deep into trying to help his family, that he makes an attempt at ignoring the impossibility of working. The idea that Humankind is disconnected from reality, is set in stone by Kafka when he writes about the transformation of Gregors families lives, and his own. The Samsas treated Gregor simply as a means to get out of debt, although the reader comes to realize later that the family was not as bad off as Gregor had believed. Also, the father returns back to work after Gregor cannot, which proves that his disability not nearly as severe as he had Gregor believed. Although Gregor is the family member that turns into a bug, he remains the only one of them to retain humanity. The family cannot grasp that the bug in the bedroom is Gregor, their son and brother. They disconnect themselves from him, forgetting that they have known him his entire life, and once perhaps loved him. After his metamorphosis, Gregor became the member of the family in need, yet instead of helping him, as he helped them, Gregor became a burden to the family. The family, especially the father and mother do not make an attempt to understand Gregors situation, but instead make it worse and harder for Gregor. The familys reality is tainted by the fact that Gregor was always a tool of income and stability, and now is of no help whatsoever. Many ideas and thoughts are proven in The Metamorphosis, but perhaps none so boldly as the idea that Intima cy is impossible. Kafka writes of Gregor, often haunted by the idea that the next time the door opened he would take the families affairs in hand again just as he used to do. Gregor, after transforming had to come to terms with the fact that his familys love was a love based on a responsibility to the family, instead of an unconditional love. Kafka is saying that unconditional does not exist. He is also saying that we all feed off of each other, and our love is an extension of this. When the ability to function as we always had is gone, so is the love we once thought we would have forever. Gregors father exhibited a mulishness that had obsessed his since he became a bank manager. Gregors father not only neglected his son, the son who attempted to provide and take his fathers place as the breadwinner for the family, but also developed a hatred for Gregor. Gregor presented a profound love for his family, which was not reciprocated after Gregor could no longer be of service to them. Waiting For Godot By Beckett EssayAnother firm idea that Kafka presents to the reader is that People live unremembered lives. This is shown with Kafkas creation of the fathers disgust for his son, Gregor. The father, forgetting that Gregor was once the son he had acted as if he loved, threw an apple into Gregors back which became embedded. The apple eventually became infected and was the death of Gregor. The apple is a symbol for Gregors absurd guilt. The apple dates back to Adam and Eve, and the guilt of giving into temptation. Gregor did not give into temptation, but still feels an indescribable guilt because he can no longer bring in funds for his family. The irony of this is that, the family forgot all that Gregor had tried to do for them, and quickly began to loathe Gregors presence in the household. After Gregors death, his parents wonder about the eventual marriage of their daughter. They had, within a short time frame completely forgotten about their once beloved son. One other idea that Kafka worked into this story is that All people are outlaws. This seemingly outrageous statement can be explained through Gregors absurd dilemma as a vermin. Gregor became the source of income for his family, and yet once he could no longer help the family, they stop loving him. Without his initial function, he became an outlaw of family life. Gregor eventually wanted the family to give up all hope in him, a hope that he wanted to exist but did not. He thought back on his family with deep emotion and love. His conviction that he would have to disappear was, if possible, even firmer than his sisters. Immediately after this line, Gregor Samsa committed suicide. As a the family came to learn of Gregors death, the father said, Well, now thanks be to God. The sister appears to not be upset, but rather in a state of disbelief that the burden on their family is finally gone. When Gregors mother learns of his death, she questions it, to check the validity, and then tell h er daughter to come join them with a tremendous smile. However, it is arguable whether he killed himself, or Gregor died of a broken heart. The story of Gregor Samsa and his metamorphosis is one of sorrow, but more a story to unveil the cruelties of Humankind. Kafkas brilliance and understanding of human nature can not be fully grasped by quickly reading the story, but instead divulging into the hidden messages Kafka inserts within the text.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Unicorns Essays - Mythological Horses, Unicorn, Forelock
Unicorns In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, a mystical creature known as the unicorn made many appearances. As described throughout much of literature, the unicorn is reputed to look somewhat like a white horse, although it has a long, twisted horn protruding from its forehead.1 The earliest description of the unicorn was by Ctesias (400 BC) (The New Book of Knowledge, Vol. U-V 19: 391). Unicorns have cloven hooves that are somewhat yellow in color; some are said to have a lion-like tail. Male unicorns can be distinguished from their female counterparts mainly in part of the goat-like beard beneath the chin. Also, the females are more elegant and have a slimmer muscle frame. The typical European unicorn has a coat of hair that is pure white, and has eyes that are either deep sea blue or fiery pink. Long and silky strands of white hair hand down from its mane and forelock. In his book, The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle describes this mythological creature as looking nothing "like a horned horse...[as she was] smaller and cloven-hoofed" (1). In his book, Beagle's unicorn was the "color of sea foam" when it was young; as it aged, its color changed to the "color of snow falling on a moonlit night" (1). A unicorn's horn is white, silver, or golden in color, is about two to three feet in length, and is said to have special healing powers. Throughout time, there have been many varied descriptions of the unicorn. In Asia, for example, mention of the animal dates back as far as 26 century BC.1 The animal described is far more different than the European unicorn. Rather than looking like a horse, the Asian unicorn, known as the k'i-lin, appears more like a dragon, although it has cloved hooves.1 The k'i-lin's body was made predominately of shimmery fish scales that shone in every color of the rainbow, and its horn was also thought to contain magical healing powers.1 The k'i-lin is reported to have wandered through the palace of the emperor Huang-ti in 2697 BC, and was honored as the king of all the land animals.1 Of the two, the European is the more widely known unicorn, and thus, more information is readily available on that type of unicorn. In Beagle's book, he states that "it is their nature to live alone in one place: usually a forest..." (1). As they are vain creatures, they prefer to live in solitary places where there is a shallow pool of water nearby were they can see themselves clearly (Beagle, 1). They normally dwell only in temperate woodlands, away from human activity. They are herbivorous creatures, living mainly off of tender leaves of the forest and its grasses. Although unicorns are immortal, they do have enemies and can be killed. Its enemies include the harpy, dragon, and chimera (Beagle, 95). Not much is known about the unicorn's reproductive habits, only that it rarely ever mates (Beagle, 1). However, it is believed that when they do, it is for life. As the unicorn's horn was reputed to have mystical healing powers, unicorn hunts were popular throughout the Middle Ages. Since baby unicorns were almost non-existent, if one could catch a baby, he was even more richly rewarded. The unicorn's horn was thought to be a healing source. It was claimed to cure many diseases and ward off many others, such as epilepsy and different stomach illnesses. It was also believed to a neutralizer against poison.3 The horn was continuously sought after to be given to apothecaries; they would grind up the horn to make a poison neutralizing powder. Also, the horn was said to bleed if poison was brought near it.3 For these reasons, over 40,000 gold pieces were offered for the horn of a unicorn (which almost always turned out to be the horn of the narwhal, or "unicorn of the sea"). Although it was a healer of wounds, the unicorn was a ruthless, savage fighter when cornered. "She had killed dragons with it [the horn], and healed a king whose poisoned wound would not close..." (Beagle, 1). Beagle clearly shows that the unicorn's horn was its means of protection, as well as its healing strength. He clearly emphasizes the extreme change in the unicorn's temperate, going from killer to healer. In ancient Greek and Roman myths, unicorns were an emblem of purity. As such, they were placed among virgin saints whenever they were mentioned in a myth.2 In medieval society as well, the unicorn was a symbol of purity and innocence.
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