Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Was The Universe Created Professor Ramos Blog
How Was The Universe Created Leanne Rasmussen English 010 October 4, 2018 Scientist are constantly coming up with new theories all the time. The most famous theory they have claimed is the Big bang theory. It is scientist way of explaining how the universe began into existence. The universe began extremely hot and extremely dense. Around 14 billion years ago, space itself expanded and cooled down. Eventually it allowed atoms to form and clump together to build the stars and galaxies we see today. Cosmologists are unsure what happened before this moment but with constant new technology scientists have been working to paint a clearer picture of the early universe and its formation. All scientist really understand is  that a big explosion happened to create the universe into existence but are still trying to figure out how it all happened. Science is always coming up with new theories and evidence that question the  most famous explanation of how the universe was created which is the big bang theory. The theory first started from an astronomer named Georges Lemaà ®tre, who observed in the late 1920s that the universe is expanding.  Cartwright claims, â€Å"Thats nice and neat as far as it goes. But it stops short of describing all the stuff within space-time stuff that is governed by quantum theory. This most successful of theories deals with the small, yet finite: particles and chunks of energy.† The big bang theory is the number one theory most people think the world was created by. Science is always changing and coming up with new ideas of how the universe was created. Astronomers make three assumptions about the universe based on theory and observation. â€Å"The laws of physics are universal and don’t change with time or location in space. The universe is homogeneous, or roughly the same in every direction. Humans do not observe the universe from a privileged location such as at its very center†(Tate) Scientist apply all these possible outcomes to each theory to try and come up with a new explanation. One theory astronomers came up with is the steady state theory. â€Å"The Steady State theory acknowledges that the universe is expanding, but it also states that the cosmos doesnt change its appearance over time. It looks the same now as it always has. Astronomers refer to this characteristic of the Steady State theory as the perfect cosmological principle†(Bakich).  In order for this theory to work new matter needed to pop up into existence but of course something can’t come from nothing. Eventually this theory was proven wrong and was not valid. This theory had died id 1964 when two radio astronomers by the names of Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation that the Big Bang theory accurately predicts. The next theory Scientists have come up with is the Eternal Inflation theory.  The theory believes, â€Å"The entire universe was packed into a region billions of times smaller than a single proton. And under the right conditions, a mere milligram of matter could create an eternal, self-reproducing universe.†(Dorminey). So in other words, some would say that the earth is always, evolving, reproducing, and will be eternal. It’s also stated that, â€Å"Eternal inflation is a completely useless theory because it makes no predictions and produces an infinite number of possibilities†(Dorminey). The next theory that some scientist would suggest but mostly theologians is that the earth was created by a creator. Which means God , a powerful omnipotent being created everything into existence. In the bible it says in Genesis 1:1, â€Å"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.† This is one simple explanation of how the earth was possibly created. God being almighty and powerful spoke the earth into existence. In the bible it talks about how the earth was formed in 7 days. He created everything with a purpose and form. Leading us to where we are today where everything in existence has a place and specific purpose. Another possible theory is called the cyclic universe theory, â€Å"is a model of cosmic evolution according to which the universe undergoes endless cycles of expansion and cooling, each beginning with a â€Å"big bang†and ending in a â€Å"big crunch†(Steinhardt). This theory proclaims that the big bang wasn’t the beginning of time but rather a moment when gravitational energy and other forms of energy are transformed into new matter. A lot of the observations that are made are based off of the gravitational waves and the fine-scale statistical distribution of matter.  Each of these theories have certain things in common whether it be because things were formed over time or a big explosion happened. Scientist are still to this day coming up new possible outcomes to how the universe was created. We don’t really know for sure but with our new technology being improved scientist can make close assumptions to one of the most interesting concepts society tries understand. The big bang theory is the most common theory out all of the theories. A lot of theories have died over time because it had been proven wrong. Not all people will agree with the big bang theory but scientist have given us some explanation and some concept of how the universe was possibly created. To this day science wants to constantly improve and evolve. As humans we can’t possibly know everything but we can learn and grow from what we know. The universe and space in general is an interesting concept to comprehend. It’s interesting to see the possible outcomes of how the universe was formed into existence and see how things came to be. The universe is very unique and powerful. Everything has a place and purpose, sometimes too big to comprehend.  In life we see the beauty of our world. Even though there are many possible theories of how the universe was created we see that the life on this earth is so a valuable. Work Cited Cartwright J. THE BIG BOIL. (Cover story). New Scientist. 2018;237(3169):30-33.            Accessed October 4, 2018. Karl Tate, Alternatives to the Big Bang Theory Explained (Infographic),, February 21,2014. Bakich, Michael E. â€Å"10 Crazy Ideas from Astronomy’s Past.†Astronomy, vol. 38, no. 8, Aug. 2010, p. 32. EBSCOhost, Dorminey, Bruce. â€Å"WHAT TRIGGERED THE BIG BANG? (Cover Story).†Astronomy, vol. 39, no. 10, Oct. 2011, p. 24. EBSCOhost, Steinhardt, Paul J. Princeton Center for Theoretical Science and Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey., 2009
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