Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Measuring the specific heat capacity of water Essays
Measuring the specific heat capacity of water Essays Measuring the specific heat capacity of water Paper Measuring the specific heat capacity of water Paper Introduction The Specific Heat Capacity of any substance can be defined as the amount of energy needed to raise 1kg of the substance by 1i c. Its found by using the following formula: C = Q / (M x ? ?) Where (C) represents the SPHC; (Q) the energy needed or given out in joules; (M) is the mass of the substance calculated in kilograms and ? ? represents the change in temperature in either i C or Kelvin. Aim The aim of the experiment is to determine the Specific Heat Capacity of any liquid, but in our case Water. Hypothesis I think that we will obtain a close number to the exact Specific Heat Capacity known as 4200 J/Kgi C. , though it will not be 100 accurate because some heat will be lost, leading to possible errors in data. I dont think we can insulate 100% with the following calorimeter at school, thus it might gain or release energy causing in-accuracy. Additionally I think that the change of temperature will be constant throughout the experiment, because the amount of energy given will always stay the same. I also believe the temperature will rise proportional to time, this is because as more time is expanded, the molecules receive more heat, according to the Kinetic Theory, the molecules become more active, and start to move rapidly increasing collision rate. Thus more the time, the higher the temperature will be until a certain point. This is the boiling point, and this is when the molecules have reached the maximum point, and are on the point of transforming into another state of form gaseous. Apparatus A Calorimeter A Thermometer A Electric Weighing Scale. A Power Pack d 1. An empty calorimeter is weighed. The liquid under test is then poured in the calorimeter and reweighed. The Mass m of the liquid is found. 2. An immersion heater and a thermometer are placed in the calorimeter 3. The initial temperature ? ? 1 of the liquid is recorded. 4. The liquid is heated for a time t seconds. The stirrer is used to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the liquid. The lid minimizes heat losses by convection. 5. Record the temperature after every two minutes and plot it in the table below. 6. The final temperature ? ? 2 is noted and the changed in temperature ? ? after time t is found7. Record the results in the table below Precautions 1. To properly place the lid, otherwise heat lose might increase, to minimize heat loss as much possible using insulation. 2. To maintain uniform temperature make sure to keep stirring the calorimeter. 3. Make sure to keep constant energy supply by heater 12V. Variables Independent Is the power heating the up the water. This is because if you change the power, then the change in temperature will also change proportionally. So you have to keep it constant throughout, otherwise this might lead to un-reliable data. To manipulate you could change the power, by increasing the current or the volts. So you could change the current from 12V, to 16V, which would change the power. But this has to be done at the start of the experiment, and then kept constant throughout. Dependent This is the change in temperature, as this is dependent on the power supplied to the heater, if changed then the change in temperature will also change. To manipulate, you will have to change the Independent variable. Controlled This is the mass of the water, the time intervals and the power. These have to be kept constant, or otherwise it wont be a fair test. The mass of the water is kept at 0. 425 kg, 120 second time intervals and 12W power supply. To manipulate you could increase the mass by 0. 010 kg, or increase the power supply to 16W, or even increase or decrease the time intervals to either 300 second or 30 seconds. But the changes have to be kept constant otherwise. Results Time / Seconds Temperature / (? ) Change in temperature. E = the power in watts Q = the energy in joules T = time in seconds 12 x 0. joules Now to find the Specific Heat capacity we have to go back to the original formula, and deduce these finding into it. Re-arrange the formula C Conclusion From my calculation and results I have obtained the Specific Heat Capacity of water to be 4320 j/kgi C for this practical. Now I can argue that this is not a 100% accurate experiment as the scientifically defined Specific Heat Capacity of water is found to be 4200 j/kgi C. There is a difference of 1320 j/kgi C, from my results and the initial value; but I used two different ways to calculate the answer. I used the formula, which gives 4320 j/kgi C, but then I also used the gradient which in result gave me a more accurate answer of 4235 j/kgi C. As you can see the gradient gives a much more accurate answer, this is because when you use the method of calculating the sphc, by subtracting the final temperature by the initial temperature, you only base your calculation of two sets of data. This is unreliable, because if one of them proves to be inaccurate, then this impacts the answer proportionally. The gradient method is more accurate, because you are taking the data from the line of best fit, which allows you to predict the value of one variable based on a value of the other; avoiding erroneous sets of data. Using the gradient method I got an answer of 4235j/kgi C, which is very close to the initial value of Specific Heat Capacity of Water. There is a difference of only 35j/kgi C, and a difference of 85j/kgi C from the calculations using the other method. So why isnt my answer identical to the genuine calculation? Well this can be caused by many reasons, one is that the calorimeter partially absorbed some of the heat which in turn meant, that it needed more energy to raise the temperature of the water, as the particles had less energy due to heat loss. Another reason could be because it was insulated 100%, which meant that it lost some heat to the air, which again meant that the particles didnt have as much energy so it needed more. Though this reasons will only slightly affect the answer, as we didnt not perform the experiment at a very high temperature. In my hypothesis I stated that my answer for the specific heat capacity will differ slightly from the original, and I was right, but I also stated that the change in temperature will be constant, and that the temperature will rise uniformly. Theoretically I should be right, but from my results you can see that the change in temperature wasnt constant. This is because I didnt stir, the calorimeter enough and persistently. This would have made the particles in the water move more so the temperature would have then increased. The more stirring that was done could have allowed the temperature to increase at a fully uniform level. And I think that the main reason why my results of the specific heat capacity doesnt exactly equal 4200 j/kgi C. Evaluation I think that I was very close to the precise specific heat capacity of water. With a difference of only 35j/kgi C I think that there are variables, which cannot be controlled 100%. But I think I could have improved this experiment. I think next time I could take a wider range of data, for the temperatures. This means to repeat the experiment numerous times. This will allow me to have more accurate data. Also I think I should keep the stirring of the water more persistent next time. I could either, have a plan of something like, stirring for 2 minutes, and then stopping for an minute etc. Or I could persistently keep on stirring through the whole experiment; this will allow the particles to move around the beaker more, making it a fairer test. Also I could increase the power supplied to the calorimeter, which would allow me to analyze the relationship at higher temperatures, and also more modern equipment. All these factors could be improved next time, hopefully giving me even accurate results. 1 Appendix 1 2 See Graph Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Abbreviation with Names and of Titles
Abbreviation with Names and of Titles Abbreviation with Names and of Titles Abbreviation with Names and of Titles By Mark Nichol This post outlines major conventions regarding the use of initials and abbreviations in association with people’s names. Periods are used with initials in names (â€Å"W. E. B. Du Bois†) unless someone is referred to exclusively by his or her initials (â€Å"FDR†). Note, too, that in formal writing, a space separates each initial used in a full name, as shown in the first example here, though periodicals and other less formal publications generally omit the spaces (â€Å"W.E.B. Du Bois†). Civil or military titles are often abbreviated before a full name but not before a surname alone (â€Å"Sen. Elizabeth Warren,†but â€Å"Senator Warren†), although inclusion of the title with the surname is generally not necessary. (In this case, Warren alone is suitable for subsequent references to the person after the introduction of her by her full name.) In situations in which space is at a premium, as in a chart or table, abbreviation can be applied more liberally, and in that case it’s best to be consistent within the graphic element even if sufficient space is available with some names but not others. Social titles such as Mr. and Ms. are rarely used in published writing anymore, except in quoted material, and are redundant when initials designating an academic degree or professional attainment follow a name. (For example, in the phrase â€Å"Dr. Jane Smith, MD,†Dr. and MD are two ways of expressing the same information.) Note that such references as MD, or CPA (for â€Å"certified public accountant†), are appended to a name enclosed between commas, but when abbreviations such as Jr. and III follow a name, no intervening punctuation is necessary (as in â€Å"John Smith Jr. was honored at the ceremony†). In narrative, spell out titles such as â€Å"the Reverend†and â€Å"the Honorable†before a full name (and do use the article), but they can be abbreviated as Rev. or Hon. (without the article) in a list. When referring to a saint, spell out that word unless space is limited; St. is the correct abbreviation. (When the word or abbreviation appears in a person’s name, honor the style that person uses.) Most titles specifying one’s role in a company or organization are generally not abbreviated, but one exception is often made for the most senior executive, the CEO (â€Å"chief executive officer†). That title is often abbreviated without a full spelling on first reference, though titles for others, such as â€Å"chief operating officer,†who work in what is known as the C-suite (because the first word of the job titles for these people is chief, abbreviated with a capital c) are usually spelled out. (Specialized publications catering to an audience familiar with such titles often abbreviate them on first reference, however.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Definitely use "the" or "a"60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†Dissatisfied vs. Unsatisfied
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Transplant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Transplant - Essay Example t patient in the following years through to the 1970’s was poor anti-rejection drugs, which changed by the end of 1970’s when better anti-rejection drugs were developed giving patients up to five years after transplant. The effectiveness of organ transplant improved after that, and its use has augmented over the years. Organ transplantation is referred to as one of the health practices that whose results are often lifesaving. The process involved removal and replacement of a failing or damaged organ in the recipient body and replaced with a fully functioning one (Ethics of Organ Transplantation, 2004). In most occasions, transplantation takes places when the life of the recipient is at stake, and the only hope for survival of the recipient is the replacement of an organ or tissue (Alvaro, Siegel, 2009). Despite its advantages, it is apparent that transplantation has many challenges that may result not only in health complications, but also the loss of life. In relation to this assertion, the paper will expound on the many factors that prevent people from taking part in organ donation. Issues that will be addressed by the paper include the belief that organ donors fail to provide care to their families because of the complications associated with organ donation. In addition, it can cause traumatic disorders, the persistence of donor’s discomfort, in addition to psychological torture experienced after donation of an organ. The heart, lungs, pancreas as well as intestines, kidney and liver are transplantable in humans. The Canadian Medical Association has a specific policy that guides physicians and health care providers to issues regarding organ donation. Organ donors, as well as prospective organ donors, should be provided with relevant, understandable information related to the decision. Occasionally, this involves informing the donor about the benefits as well as risks of transplantation, procedures associated with the determination of death, and testing of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case study (quize) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case study (quize) - Essay Example Hong Kong is concerned, people are not just hurry to possess a product, but rather they seek the epistemic benefits from new Apple’s variant iPhone. Epistemic benefit refers to a benefit customers seek to acquire from a product’s capacity to satisfy his their curiosity, novelty and to meet a desire for newer knowledge. People rushing in Hong Kong to get Apple’s iPhone show severe propensity to adopt new product which is designed and implemented sophisticated technology (Piller and Tseng, 2010, p. 167). Suppose, if any one out of these people came to meet their need for enjoyment with Apple’s iPhone 4S, it can rather be viewed as Hedonic benefit. As compared to the competition, the benefit doesn’t seem to be unique. When new technology or highly differentiated product comes to market, it is quite common that customers show curiosity to obtain one. A unique value or unique benefit is a set of benefits or values that the company promises to deliver to the consumers to satisfy their needs (Armstrong and Kotler, 2005, p. 12). For Apple’s newly launched iPhone 4S, the unique value propositions and unique benefits may include its sophisticated technology, advanced user-friendly interface etc. What motivated customers to rush in to an Apple’s IFC store in Hong Kong was the curiosity to possess the new variant of Apple phone and therefore this benefit is not a unique one. Apart from Apple brand fanatic customers who lined up in the rushing queue, there were others who thought to make profits by reselling iPhones to more demanded customers in other areas anticipating higher demands for the same from customers. Unique values and core competencies that the company offered to customers are more seemingly to attract wider numbers of customers and that was the reason why people were eager to obtain more pieces of iPhones such as 300. Core competencies are part of value chain that make a unique and value-added contribution to the business. As Kerin, Hartley and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Making reference to Language and imagery Essay Example for Free
Making reference to Language and imagery Essay The play of Macbeth is based around a soldier who went by the name of Macbeth Ambition got the better of Macbeth and drove him to work his way up the hierarchy by whatever means he thought was necessary. Of course he did meet some obstacles on the way, but instead of hurdling over them he got rid of them. Eliminating these obstacles is what caused Macbeths transition from a brave Macbeth to abhorred heir by the end of the play. However its not a clear cut answer. There were many contributing factors. It wasnt simply all Macbeths doing that got him where he was at the end of the play. Many characters played a role in his downfall. At the start of the play we do not meet Macbeth but we are told about him, For brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name, here is where a soldier is speaking to King Duncan and telling him that Macbeth does deserve to be called brave. This is where we first hear of Macbeth before we actually meet him. The next thing that the soldier tells Duncan is a small piece of description of why Macbeth should be called brave, Disdaining fortune, with his brandishd steel, Which smokd with bloody execution, Here Shakespeare uses certain dramatic words to create an image of what Macbeth was like. The way the soldier tells Duncan that Macbeths steel was covered with bloody execution, which gives us an image of a man covered in blood from the people he has executed. When Macbeth meets the three witches for the first time he is immediately interested in what they have to say and he does ask them to speak if they can. Macbeths immediate reaction to what the witches had said was interesting, he wanted to know more as he was confused by the prophesy of him becoming King, Speak, I charge you here Macbeth tries to order the witches to say more but they vanish. The witches were very smart; they told Macbeth the hard facts but they didnt tell him how or when he would be King or Thane Cawdor. This leaves him hanging. Macbeth and Banquo are, as expected, shocked. The witches here could have simply be spinning a line of lies and see if Macbeth would grab it as he did and the witches now know that Macbeth must be pretty easily convinced as he was when he heard the prophesies. Macbeth and Banquo, when the witches are gone, then think if what they had seen and heard was actually there or were they going mad, where such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root. That takes the reason prisoner? Here Banquo asks Macbeth if what they are talking about was actually there or have they eaten on the insane root and just gone mad. So even when they have heard the prophecy it shows you how shocked they are if they are questioning their own sanity. Macbeth may take the bait from the witches but Banquo tries to worn Macbeth that there must be evil forces at work and that it may seem in his favour now but there is something sinister in the predictions, What, can the devil speak true? Banquo here tries to convince Macbeth that can these witches related to the devil speak truth and so he tries to over throw Macbeths thoughts to forget about the prophesies and just to carry on as normal. The first seed of ambition that is thrown to Macbeth came from the witches prophecy of Macbeth becoming King. However the seed did not start to grow until Macbeth hears that he is going to become the new Thane of Cawdor this being the first prophecy made by the witches come true. At this point Macbeth and Banquo had decided to let the future take care of itself. However when he was told that he would be the new Thane of Cawdor a bell started to ring in his head. Soon after this, Duncan makes his son Malcolm the Prince of Cumberland and Duncan invites himself to Macbeths Castle. Everything is falling into place for Macbeth and he sees his chance to become King; obviously Duncan was not planning on making Macbeth the next King. However Macbeth then had a problem and that was Malcolm, The Prince of Cumberland _ that is a step, On which I must fall down, or else oerleep, For in my way it lies. This is where Macbeth realises that he has a hurdle to overleap in order to for fulfil his ambition to become King of Scotland. This is where Shakespeare tries to explain Macbeths situation in a simple way by creating an image of a staircase, Malcolm on the step above him and the King Duncan above that. This is where he has a choice of whether to get rid of Malcolm or some how get him out of the way so that he could fall into the place or step that he was on and then he would be another step closer to becoming the King. Duncan appears to continuously present Macbeth with gifts and titles. This fuels Macbeths ambition and makes him yearn for more authority, such as to be the King of Scotland. Presenting Macbeth with gifts and titles led to Macbeths transition or you could say his tragedy, but Duncan cannot be entirely to blame because he was simply rewarding Macbeth for his triumphs and bravery on the battlefield over much larger armies, What he hath lost noble Macbeth hath won. Here we get a great feeling that Macbeth is a very strong and powerful soldier on the battlefield. Here it says that what other soldiers have lost, such as a battle or war, Macbeth will definitely win. Lady Macbeth latches on to the idea of Macbeth being King as soon as she reads his letter describing the prophesy. She has no doubt that the prophecy will come true, but she does fear that her husband is, to full o the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. Lady Macbeth immediately sees that killing Duncan is necessary for Macbeth to become King, and she has no concern for how evil that plan is. As soon as she sees him, she begins convincing him that he should kill the King. Macbeth does not agree, but later in scene seven, he tells Lady Macbeth: We will proceed no further in this business. She responds by attacking his manhood, calling him a coward and referring to a promise she never made. I would while it was smiling in my face Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have you done to this. Macbeth never made a promise to kill Duncan but Lady Macbeth is trying to manipulate him by saying if she had made a promise to kill her child she would, Macbeth has sworn to kill Duncan but she is simply playing with his mind and trying to get him to go along with the murder. Later on in scene seven Macbeth tells his wife that he doesnt want to take the positions away from the soldiers or Thanes because they have earned their position and clothes that hey wear, he just wanted to become King the easiest and quickest way. Lady Macbeth tries to explain to her husband that there will be an obstacle or downside along the way, Letting I dare not wait upon I would, Like the poor cat i th adage? Lady Macbeth here tries to be persuasive by telling Macbeth that she would not let fear get the better of her as he was starting to do. She then uses the proverb an adage to try and explain that obstacles often occur when someone really wants something and puts his situation into a way that he could relate to. Lady Macbeth said to Macbeth the cat wanted the fish but would not get her paws wet, translating into Macbeths case, he wanted to become King but didnt want to kill for it. After the murder of Duncan Lady Macbeth has to assure Macbeth that what is done is done and not to think about it as it will drive him insane. Macbeth was still shaken after the murder and took the daggers, that he killed the guards with, back with him. Lady Macbeth then had to take charge, Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers. Lady Macbeth even after the murder is still insulting her husband and calls him weak minded. Lady Macbeth plays an important role in Macbeths transition. Lady Macbeth is like her husbands bad conscience, there were many points in the play where Macbeth would have pulled out from murdering Duncan but his wife tried her best and seceded in convincing Macbeth that he should murder Duncan. However I do not think that she can be held entirely to blame; Macbeth had free will to do what he wanted; Lady Macbeth simply backed him up. Therefore it was through Macbeths decisions he became the man he was at the end of the play. You could say that he was some what forced into murdering Banquo. It is concluded! Banquo, thy souls flight, If it find heaven, must find it tonight. Here Macbeth has plotted the death of Banquo, and is pleased that his friend would soon be dead. He does all this without any prompting at all from Lady Macbeth; he does this simply because the witches had said that Banquos descendants would be Kings. Macbeth furthers his own transition by having Macduffs family killed. The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to the edge o the sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate sould That trace him in his line. Straight after the second prophesy, which warns him to beware the Thane of Fife, that being Macduff. Lennox brings word that Macduff has fled to England. Angered, and the words from the prophesy that he has interpreted to mean that Macduff may be a threat, Macbeth orders the household of Macduff slaughtered. When Macduff had found this out he was truly convinced that Macbeth is evil, and rallied the armies of proud England to march against the sick Scotland. Therefore, by destroying the Macduff household, Macbeth brung about his own downfall or transition by the end of the play. Prior to this Macbeth once again made another step towards his own transition. He yearned for the knowledge that the witches possessed and he couldnt do anything without knowing what was going to happen in the future. The second time Macbeth went to visit the witches they had three new prophecies for him, The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth This first prophesy is simply saying that the person born not of a woman shall harm Macbeth. Macbeth thinks that this is impossible, what he doesnt realise is that Macduff was born by a suzerain Macbeth shall never vanquishd be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him. Here the witches say that only harm will come to Macbeth when Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane, which Macbeth thinks is impossible. The other prophesy was, Beware Macduff, Beware the Thane of Fife. Here the witches are simply telling Macbeth to beware Macduff. As he believed all the prophesies he made them come true, so we dont actually know whether they simply fed him a line and influenced his thinking knowing that he was ambitious and would make these prophesies come true. This is yet another factor in Macbeths downfall. Macbeth surprisingly actually tries to comfort himself and in a way he tries to justify what he has done, I am in blood stepped in so far that returning were as tedious as go oer. Macbeth here is trying to say that going back from what he had done would be as tedious as it was committing the murder, he seems to think that because he is so far stepped in blood and cannot turn back that it makes everything alright which it certainly doesnt. Even though Macbeth sees Banquos ghost he doesnt seem to show any remorse. However the ghost does startled him and he doesnt feel like a man when the ghost is there, Enter GHOST, And to our dear friend Banquo whom we miss; Would he were here. To all, and him we thirst And all to all. Banquos ghost enters the banquet and Macbeth decides to propose a toast to Banquo, its as if Macbeth is tying taunt Banquos ghost, Macbeth is not really sorry and he wouldnt rather Banquo be there he is simply boasting to the ghost that he had him killed. However at the point when the armies of England are closing in on Dunsinane, where Macbeths castle is, Macbeth seems remorseful. It seems that his darker side was turning towards the light, but still, Macbeth refused to let anyone or anything threat his reign, except his death. But get thee back my soul is too much charged With the blood of thine already. Shakespeare uses imagery here to show how Macbeths soul is fully charged like a battery but with all the bad deeds he had committed. This part of the play is where Macbeth is confronted by Macduff and he is remorseful that he has killed Macduffs household. But nevertheless the deed was done and Macbeth could only blame himself for it. In conclusion I think that Macbeth was more so to blame for his own transition. He may have been pushed into the murdering of Duncan but everything else he made his own mind up about. Sure there where many limiting factors in Macbeths transition such as Lady Macbeth, the witches and another big factor being his ambition which was probably reflecting his decision making but this cannot be excused as he knew exactly what he was doing and what his aim was, to become the King of Scotland. However he does show some remorse before he is killed. Before Macbeth was killed Macduff started to fight with him but Macbeth could fight no more and so Macbeth was beheaded. This does show that he may have finally realised what he had done or that he was blinded from the truth by his ambitions.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
how i got cultured :: essays research papers
In the book How I Got Cultured, Phyllis Barber tells the story of her childhood in a western Mormon household. Through stories and episodes of her early life she descriptively explains the difficulties she faces between her Mormon values and her desire to become a successful star. She wants to be noticed, and be the center of everything, and the Mormon Faith allows very little tolerance for this behavior in that they are a very conservative group. She uses her talents and abilities to assist her in her search of her â€Å"culture†     I can definitely relate to Phyllis Barber in this dilemma, though she comes from a totally different faith and also era. Growing up in a strict Christian household gives me a sense of what Barber is trying to tell us in her memoir. When I was younger I played football and was crushed when the season in my seventh grade year came to an end when my mother wouldn’t let me play because it interrupted my Christian life, in that I wasn’t attending youth group during the week anymore.      In contrast to Barber, my childhood environment was extremely rich with culture and the battle between right and wrong was a very difficult one in that perception of right and wrong differentiated between faith and the real world. Barber struggled to find her â€Å"culture.†She frequently speaks of the Hoover Dam, I think she refers to the Hoover Dam as a symbol that represents the separation that I talked about. She is stuck between two worlds: Mormonism and a place where talent could forge it’s own path. She describes that the Dam separates Arizona and Nevada. In my opinion, this is a direct reflection of her life.      Not only is Barber constricted by her Mormon faith to live the life she dreams of, but she is faced with the moral value of a woman perceived in the fifties. She isn’t â€Å"supposed†to want the things that she does, or dream the dreams she dreams at night. She is â€Å"supposed†to be quiet and stand to the side and not â€Å"shine.†She continues to tell not only of her love for attention through music, but also through dance. She is introduced to ballet, which, to say the least, begins to satisfy her quench for culture. Throughout the book she is exposed t many amazing people, and learns much from them.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Roman Catholicism
Church distinguishes between vice, which is a habit inclining one to sin, and the sin itself, which is an individual morally wrong act. Note that in Roman Catholicism, the word â€Å"sin†also refers to the state that befalls one upon committing a morally wrong act. In this section, the word always means the sinful act. It is the sin, and not the vice, that deprives one of God's sanctifying grace and renders one deserving of God's punishment.Thomas Aquinas taught that â€Å"absolutely speaking, the sin surpasses the vice in wickedness†. 7] On the other hand, even after a person's sins have been forgiven, the underlying habit (the vice) may remain. Just as vice was created in the first place by repeatedly yielding to the temptation to sin, so vice may be removed only by repeatedly resisting temptation and performing virtuous acts; the more entrenched the vice, the more time and effort needed to remove it.Saint Thomas Aquinas says that following rehabilitation and the acq uisition of virtues, the vice does not persist as a habit, but rather as a mere disposition, and one that is in the process of being eliminated. Medieval illuminated manuscripts circulated with colorful schemas for developing proper attitudes, with scriptural allusions modelled on nature: the tree of virtues as blossoming flowers or vices bearing sterile fruit, The Renaissance writer Pietro Bembo is credited with reaffirming and promoting the Christian perfection of classical humanism.Deriving all from love (or the lack thereof) his [8]schemas were added as supplements[9] in the newly-invented technology of printing by Aldus Manutius in his editions of Dante's Divine Comedy dating from early in the 16th century. Dante's seven deadly vices[edit] The poet Dante Alighieri listed the following seven deadly vices, associating them structurally[10] as flaws in the soul's inherent capacity for goodness as made in the Divine Image yet perverted by the Fall: 1.Pride or vanity: an excessive l ove of the self (holding the self outside of its proper position regarding God or fellows; Dante's definition was â€Å"love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, pride is referred to as superbia. 2. Enw or Jealousy: resentment of others for their possessions (Dante: â€Å"love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, enw is referred to as invidia. 3.Wrath or anger: feelings of hatred, revenge or denial, as well as punitive desires outside of Justice (Dante's description was â€Å"love of Justice perverted to revenge and spite†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, wrath is referred to as ira, which primitive vices tempt astray by increasingly perverting the proper purpose of charity, directing it inwards, leading o a disorded navel-gazing preoccupation with personal goods in isolation absent proper harmonio us relations leading to violent disruption of balance with others. . Sloth or laziness: idleness and wastefulness of time or other allotted resources. Laziness is condemned because it results in others having to work harder; also, useful work will not be done. Sloth is referred to in Latin as accidie or acedia, which vice tempts a self-aware soul to be too easily satisfied, thwarting charity's purpose as with the needs of others and their satisfaction, an escalation in evil, more odious han the passion of hate 5.Avarice (covetousness, greed): a desire to possess more than one has need or use for (or according to Dante, â€Å"excessive love of money and power†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, avarice is referred to as avaritia. 6. Gluttony: overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, or misplaced desire of food as a pleasure for its sensuality (â€Å"excessive love of pleasure†was Dante's rendering). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, gluttony is referred to as gula. 7. Lust: excessive sexual desire. Dante's criterion was that â€Å"lust detracts from true love†.In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, lust is referred to as luxuria, which vices tempt cultivated souls in their ability to direct charity's proper purpose to good things or actions, by indulging excess. Thus in Dante's estimation the soul's detachment from sensual appetites become the vices most difficult to tame, urges not as easily curbed by mere good manners since inflamed via appropriate use rather than inappropriate misuse. Hence conventional respect for the ninth and enth commandments against coveting and social customs that encourage custody of the eyes and ears become prudent adjuncts to training against vice.The first three terraces of purgatory expiate the sins which can be considered to arise from love perverted, that is, sins which arise from the heart of the sinner being set upon something which is wrong in the eyes of God. Those bein g purged here must have their love set upon the right path. The fourth terrace of purgatory expiates the sins which can be considered to arise from love defective, that is, love which, although irected towards the correct subjects is too weak to drive the sinner to act as they should.Those being purged here must have their love strengthened so as to drive them correctly. The fifth, sixth and seventh terraces of purgatory expiate the sins which can be considered to arise from love excessive, that is, love which although directed towards ends which God considers good is directed towards them too much for the sinner to gain bliss from them, and also so that the sinner is distracted from the love of other things of which God approves. Their love must be cooled to a more sensible level.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ibdp Biology Sl Specimen Exam Paper
N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 88086004 Biology Standard level PaPer 1 Monday 17 November 2008 (afternoon) 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES †¢ †¢ †¢ Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. Answer all the questions. For each question, choose the answer you consider to be the best and indicate your choice on the answer sheet provided. 8808-6004 13 pages  © International Baccalaureate Organization 2008 –– 1. Which of the following characterizes tissues? A. B. C. D. A group of cells that develop independently. A group of organs that have the same function. A group of cells that have the same function.A group of organs that have the same structure. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 2. Which of the following explains how brain cells develop to carry out their functions? A. B. C. D. The cells have interacted to become brain cells. The cells have evolved that way. Some genes are expressed while other genes are not. All genes are expressed in the brain cells. 3. The following is a diagram of a prokaryote. I. II. III. IV. Which two structures are required for protein synthesis in this cell? A. B. C. D. 8808-6004 III and IV II and IV II and III I and II } –– 4. What is necessary for osmosis to occur? A. B. C. D.A membrane protein A partially permeable membrane A source of energy A cell wall N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 5. In a cell the nuclear membrane has broken down and spindle microtubules from both poles are attached to each centromere of chromosomes aligned on the equator. Which phase of mitosis does this describe? A. B. C. D. Prophase Anaphase Metaphase Telophase 6. Which of the following contain the element phosphorus? A. B. C. D. Amino acids Viruses Ribose Deoxyribose 8808-6004 Turn over –4– 7. Which diagram correctly illustrates a glucose molecule? A. H C OH CHOH C H OH C H C. H N H C H N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+B. O H C OH O C H N H C H C OH CHOH C H H C OH O H H C OH C OH H C OH H O D. CH (CH)n C O OH 8. The following diagram shows the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. What explains the lack of activity at high temperatures? Rate of enzyme activity optimum temperature Temperature /  °C A. B. C. D. The active site no longer has the required shape. All the substrate has been used. All the enzyme has been used. Theactivesiteiscompletelyfilledwithsubstrate. 8808-6004 –– 9. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ Which of the following correctly show the process and location for pyruvate formation? Process A. B. C. D. erobic cell respiration respiration photosynthesis photosynthesis Location cytoplasm chloroplast cytoplasm chloroplast 10. A molecule has two guanines, one cytosine, three riboses and three phosphates arranged in a single strand. What kind of molecule is this? A. B. C. D. DNA RNA A triplet of DNA nucleotides A polysaccharide 11. In photosynthesis, light energy is used to split water molecules. Which products are formed and what is the name of the reaction? Products formed A. B. C. D. hydrogen and ATP hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen and ATP hydrogen and oxygen Reaction photolysis photolysis hydrolysis hydrolysis 8808-6004 Turn over 6– 12. What can be concluded from the following data? N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 1 4 6 7 8 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 1 0 1 X Y A. B. C. D. Karyotype of a male with a normal set of chromosomes DNAprofilingofamalewithDownsyndrome DNAprofilingofamalewithanormalsetofchromosomes Karyotype of a male with Down syndrome 13. The genotypes of two parents are HbA HbA and HbA HbS. What are the likely phenotypes of their children? A. B. C. D. 7 % healthy 0 % may develop sickle-cell anemia % may develop sickle-cell anemia 100 % healthy 8808-6004 –7– 14. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ The gel image shown below has two lanes.The DNA is loaded onto the gel at the origin. To separate the DNA fragments a negative charge is applied to the origin of the gel. What conclusi on could be made about the DNA fragments? 1 origin A. B. C. D. The size of the DNA fragment in Lane 1 is greater than in Lane . The charge of the DNA fragment in Lane is positive. The size of the DNA fragment in Lane is greater than in Lane 1. The charge of the DNA fragment in Lane 1 is positive. 15. Which of the following best describes sex linkage? A. B. C. D. The condition will be inherited only by sons. The condition will be inherited only by daughters.The condition may be inherited by sons and daughters. The condition will be inherited by more daughters than sons. 16. A human gene is cloned into a plasmid and put into a host cell. Which enzymes are used for this gene transfer? A. B. C. D. Restriction endonuclease and DNA ligase DNA polymerase and DNA ligase Restriction endonuclease and DNA polymerase DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase 8808-6004 Turn over –8– 17. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ Which of the following best describe(s) all the descendants of a clon e? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only I and II only I and III only I, II and III They have the same chromosomes.They share one parent. They are sterile. The following diagram of a food web refers to questions 18 and 19. hawk fox small birds badger hedgehog shrew beetles slugs mice woodlice rabbits grass 18. Which organism(s) in the food web above is(are) both secondary consumer(s) and tertiary consumer(s)? A. B. C. D. Hawk and fox Hawk and hedgehog Fox and badger Hawk only 8808-6004 –– 19. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ If 1 000 000 J m– yr–1 of sunlight is assimilated by the grass in the food web, how much energy would be available to the badger? A. B. C. D. 10 to J m– yr–1 100 to 00 J m– yr–1 00 to 1000 J m– yr–1 00 to 10 000 J m– yr–1 0. The average weight of walnuts from one group of trees was 8. g with a standard deviation of 1. g. Which conclusion can be drawn from these data? A. B. C . D. % of all walnuts from these trees weigh between . g and 11. g. 68 % of all walnuts from these trees weigh between . g and 11. g. The minimum weight of walnuts from this tree is . g. The maximum weight of walnuts from this tree is 11. g. 21. Which of the following gases contribute to the greenhouse effect? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III Methane Water vapour Nitrogen 8808-6004 Turn over – 10 – 22.What is the main cause of variation in a species? A. B. C. D. Meiosis Mitosis Random mating Emigration N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 23. The diagram below represents the human digestive system. 1 4 Which of the following correctly represents the labels? Esophagus A. B. C. D. 1 1 4 Gall bladder 4 4 1 Small intestine 1 Pancreas 4 8808-6004 – 11 – 24. What type of blood does the left atrium of the heart receive? A. B. C. D. Deoxygenated blood from the lungs Oxygenated blood from the r ight ventricle Oxygenated blood from the lungs Deoxygenated blood from the left ventricle N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 5. What will be an effect of HIV infection on the immune system? A. B. C. D. Antigens no longer bind to antibodies. Number of active lymphocytes is increased. Antibody production is limited. HIV patient will fall ill more frequently. 26. A person is suffering from an illness and the doctor prescribes an antibiotic to treat the disease. What is the patient likely to suffer from? A. B. C. A viral infection A prokaryotic infection An eukaryotic infection Theflu(influenza) D. 8808-6004 Turn over – 1 – 27. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ The diagram below shows the female reproductive system and associated organs.X Y Z Which of the labelled structures correctly identify the cervix, urethra and ovary? Cervix A. B. C. D. Z Y Y Z Urethra X Z X Y Ovary Y X Z X 28. Which conditions apply to gas exchange in the lungs when the blood arrives there from the body? Blood oxygen concentration A. B. C. D. same as inhaled air higher than inhaled air lower than inhaled air same as inhaled air Blood carbon dioxide concentration higher than inhaled air lower than inhaled air higher than inhaled air lower than inhaled air 8808-6004 – 1 – 29. Which of the following events leading up to birth is correct?A. B. C. D. Progesterone levels increase, oxytocin decreases. Progesterone levels decrease, oxytocin increases. Progesterone levels increase, oxytocin increases. Progesterone levels decrease, oxytocin decreases. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 30. What should happen after a meal? A. B. C. D. Blood glucose concentration rises and insulin concentration increases. Blood glucose concentration decreases and glucagon increases. Blood glucose concentration rises and insulin concentration decreases. Blood glucose concentration rises and glucagon concentration stays the same. 8808-6004
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Was The Universe Created Professor Ramos Blog
How Was The Universe Created Leanne Rasmussen English 010 October 4, 2018 Scientist are constantly coming up with new theories all the time. The most famous theory they have claimed is the Big bang theory. It is scientist way of explaining how the universe began into existence. The universe began extremely hot and extremely dense. Around 14 billion years ago, space itself expanded and cooled down. Eventually it allowed atoms to form and clump together to build the stars and galaxies we see today. Cosmologists are unsure what happened before this moment but with constant new technology scientists have been working to paint a clearer picture of the early universe and its formation. All scientist really understand is  that a big explosion happened to create the universe into existence but are still trying to figure out how it all happened. Science is always coming up with new theories and evidence that question the  most famous explanation of how the universe was created which is the big bang theory. The theory first started from an astronomer named Georges Lemaà ®tre, who observed in the late 1920s that the universe is expanding.  Cartwright claims, â€Å"Thats nice and neat as far as it goes. But it stops short of describing all the stuff within space-time stuff that is governed by quantum theory. This most successful of theories deals with the small, yet finite: particles and chunks of energy.† The big bang theory is the number one theory most people think the world was created by. Science is always changing and coming up with new ideas of how the universe was created. Astronomers make three assumptions about the universe based on theory and observation. â€Å"The laws of physics are universal and don’t change with time or location in space. The universe is homogeneous, or roughly the same in every direction. Humans do not observe the universe from a privileged location such as at its very center†(Tate) Scientist apply all these possible outcomes to each theory to try and come up with a new explanation. One theory astronomers came up with is the steady state theory. â€Å"The Steady State theory acknowledges that the universe is expanding, but it also states that the cosmos doesnt change its appearance over time. It looks the same now as it always has. Astronomers refer to this characteristic of the Steady State theory as the perfect cosmological principle†(Bakich).  In order for this theory to work new matter needed to pop up into existence but of course something can’t come from nothing. Eventually this theory was proven wrong and was not valid. This theory had died id 1964 when two radio astronomers by the names of Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation that the Big Bang theory accurately predicts. The next theory Scientists have come up with is the Eternal Inflation theory.  The theory believes, â€Å"The entire universe was packed into a region billions of times smaller than a single proton. And under the right conditions, a mere milligram of matter could create an eternal, self-reproducing universe.†(Dorminey). So in other words, some would say that the earth is always, evolving, reproducing, and will be eternal. It’s also stated that, â€Å"Eternal inflation is a completely useless theory because it makes no predictions and produces an infinite number of possibilities†(Dorminey). The next theory that some scientist would suggest but mostly theologians is that the earth was created by a creator. Which means God , a powerful omnipotent being created everything into existence. In the bible it says in Genesis 1:1, â€Å"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.† This is one simple explanation of how the earth was possibly created. God being almighty and powerful spoke the earth into existence. In the bible it talks about how the earth was formed in 7 days. He created everything with a purpose and form. Leading us to where we are today where everything in existence has a place and specific purpose. Another possible theory is called the cyclic universe theory, â€Å"is a model of cosmic evolution according to which the universe undergoes endless cycles of expansion and cooling, each beginning with a â€Å"big bang†and ending in a â€Å"big crunch†(Steinhardt). This theory proclaims that the big bang wasn’t the beginning of time but rather a moment when gravitational energy and other forms of energy are transformed into new matter. A lot of the observations that are made are based off of the gravitational waves and the fine-scale statistical distribution of matter.  Each of these theories have certain things in common whether it be because things were formed over time or a big explosion happened. Scientist are still to this day coming up new possible outcomes to how the universe was created. We don’t really know for sure but with our new technology being improved scientist can make close assumptions to one of the most interesting concepts society tries understand. The big bang theory is the most common theory out all of the theories. A lot of theories have died over time because it had been proven wrong. Not all people will agree with the big bang theory but scientist have given us some explanation and some concept of how the universe was possibly created. To this day science wants to constantly improve and evolve. As humans we can’t possibly know everything but we can learn and grow from what we know. The universe and space in general is an interesting concept to comprehend. It’s interesting to see the possible outcomes of how the universe was formed into existence and see how things came to be. The universe is very unique and powerful. Everything has a place and purpose, sometimes too big to comprehend.  In life we see the beauty of our world. Even though there are many possible theories of how the universe was created we see that the life on this earth is so a valuable. Work Cited Cartwright J. THE BIG BOIL. (Cover story). New Scientist. 2018;237(3169):30-33.                     http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=a9hAN=128461566site=ehost-live. Accessed October 4, 2018. Karl Tate, Alternatives to the Big Bang Theory Explained (Infographic), Space.com, February 21,2014. https://www.space.com/24781-big-bang-theory-alternatives-infographic.html Bakich, Michael E. â€Å"10 Crazy Ideas from Astronomy’s Past.†Astronomy, vol. 38, no. 8, Aug. 2010, p. 32. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=f5hAN=51451224site=ehost-live. Dorminey, Bruce. â€Å"WHAT TRIGGERED THE BIG BANG? (Cover Story).†Astronomy, vol. 39, no. 10, Oct. 2011, p. 24. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=f5hAN=65832005site=ehost-live. Steinhardt, Paul J. Princeton Center for Theoretical Science and Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey., 2009
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Answer The What is Your Desired Salary Job Application Question
How To Answer The What is Your Desired Salary Job Application Question Without a doubt, the â€Å"What is your desired salary?†question is one of the hardest to answer- either on a job application or in an interview situation. An online application doesn’t usually offer a box to tick for â€Å"I’d be willing to negotiate, within reason.†Don’t Just Make Something Up!If you’re faced with a drop-down application box, remember that you have two tools available to you. First, you can do your research. Find out what the industry standard would be for that role, in that industry, in that geographical area, and ask for that (or a little higher or lower depending on your particular skills and experience). This is vital for not being weeded out based on asking for far too little or far too much.Most companies have hiring policies that dictate they will pay new hires the midpoint of the stated salary range they are prepared to offer. Negotiation technique would suggest you ask for just a bit higher than the midpoint, in order not to be offered less than policy would get you.Use Your Application to Explain Your ReasoningA good use of your cover letter is to justify the number you selected. This is where you can add in that important sentence about being open to negotiation. Or to explain, with numbers, why you feel a percentage increase from your former salary is called for- based on performance appraisals, market trends, new skills or experience, etc.How to Figure Out and Verbalize What You WantThere are different ways to go about this. You can ask for a flat salary number per year, which is usually negotiated and standard across a wide variety of industries and careers. Or you might be looking for a job where you’re asked to state what you would expect to make per hour. In both cases, it’s important to ask for just a little more than you expect to be offered- usually 10-15% above what you really need to make.In the case of hourly pay, make sure you’ve done the calculations to figure out exactly how much you need to make per hour, given your hours, to make ends meet. Most workers can expect to work about 2,000 hours per year. Don’t forget to factor in sick days and vacation time- for which you will often not be compensated in an hourly wage job. Don’t accept a job for less unless you absolutely have to. And don’t forget to ask about overtime and bonus pay, if applicable- so you can factor that into your calculations as well.Sometimes you’ll find yourself in a situation where you don’t particularly care what you make for salary, as this number might be standard or non-negotiable in your industry, but there are specific benefits you’d like to negotiate towards. If there are any deal breakers for you in the benefits package, make sure to focus on these when asked about your salary requirements.The Bottom LineMake sure you know how much you need to make, at minimum. You can always use that as your answer: â€Å"I can ’t accept this position for anything less than [AMOUNT].†And be prepared to hold to it. (These calculations are important and should be done with care.)If you prefer a softer touch, you can always answer: â€Å"I think [AMOUNT] would be a fair salary for this position.†Good luck!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Negophobia by Mark Bauerlein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Negophobia by Mark Bauerlein - Essay Example The riot was based on color and race discrimination among Blacks and Whites in Atlanta which ultimately spread from Atlanta to Georgia and throughout the United States of America. The actual riot began on 22nd September, 1906 and ended on 26th September, 1906 between White and Black masses, in which Black African lost around 40 lives. The riot didn’t occur suddenly because of any one issue; instead it was an explosion in retaliation of continuous plot weaved on the false accusations made on Blacks in regard of White women by some criminal minded people. Historic Background of Atlanta: In the beginning of the twentieth century, Atlanta was progressing rapidly. White and Blacks had different vision and identities but were parallel in growth and competition. The growth in the Black’s population and their expansion in social intermingling threatened the White elites who then favored Jim Crow’s Segregation concept and stood hard to separate seating arrangement in publ ic transport and discouraged neighborhoods with blacks. On the other hand, Black elites were gaining power, were getting majorly involved in politics and were promoting Black youngsters in almost every walk of life. This cold war started showing its signs and finally surfaced in the middle of the Gubernatorial contest during which desperate leaders played an unethical trick to create racial tension in order to win the favor of the majority. This was done through the instigation of a rumor based campaign focused on â€Å"Negro-Crime†. Here, African American males were accused of sexual crimes against White females, although there was no evidence that this was occurring, and the driving factor was simple prejudice. The air of hatred, racial and sexual inequality diffused in the atmosphere and provoked a claim for a new vision for South Atlanta. Causes: At the end of the civil war, tension remained high between the Whites and the Blacks, with both races unsure of what the years to come would bring. In Atlanta, election hype created enthusiasm between the two majority groups within the State as a consequence of the growing powers of Blacks in jobs, voting rights, and other political realm. The competition between Blacks and Whites was heightened by the growing status differences, and many Whites were concerned that they would no longer be able to think of or treat the Blacks as being inferior. This drove the creation of rumors and threats to demoralize blacks in the society. Whites were charged by the manipulated stories during Gubernatorial Elections of 1906. The main candidates were Hoke Smith and Clark Howell, who were struggling against each other for democratic elections. They both were linked with publishing newspapers and therefore took advantage of their powers in print media and published false stories to attack Black communities who were running successful businesses like saloons and bars. To destabilize Blacks and their businesses, Atlanta Georgi an and Atlanta News began to air false stories of Black men molesting and then raping white women. Both candidates were looking ways to demoralize Blacks and prevent them from voting therefore did multiple attacks narrating that White Women are victimized by the Blacks which made Whites furious and brought them to streets. These stories circulated throughout the city with lurid stories and cartoon sketching saying that White’
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